Rupert Neve RNHP Precision Headphone Amplifier

Oh, thank you!! I was trying to find a way to fit the Tombstone Wyatt Erp and have a Val Kilmer trifecta, but I couldn’t. :joy:


I know others with the Phonitor that have tried the RNHP (Fidelice, higher gain version), and they really like the Neve in the same hard to articulate way that’s been shared here.

Some are even keeping the RNHP, which says a lot because they have other much more expensive gear.

It’s a special little amp.

Same with me lol, I really like that amp. I may have suggested earlier that I was going to replace the rnhp with the MZ3 for studio, but that didn’t happen. I think my final product came out better with the rnhp for multiple tasks multiple times. Not the most scientific test but man the rnhp is great lol


I thought it funny that you said that. I knew you’d keep it!

Especially after all of the conversations we’ve had about it.

Damn it neve just release a better rnhp lol (not counting the overpriced one)

What…?! :face_with_monocle::flushed:

The re-cased rnhp that goes for 1k

You’re talking about the Fidelice?

Yes, It was confirmed to me by their U.S. distributor. I don’t remember exactly all the changes internally, but my brain distilled it to higher gain.

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Gotcha, so you got to hear one? What were the differences? I would buy the field lice (aka Fidelice) dac but I don’t need the dac lol, I just want a better amp from him


I didn’t actually. No time. :frowning:

I’ll add that without having heard the newer Fidelice RNHP, I wouldn’t buy it if you have the older ‘Pro’ version.

For a buyer that doesn’t have one, than if you can afford it, why not. Higher gain and a nicer chassis are pluses.

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Well, I mean at that price point unless you need neve sound…

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What’s the thing with the gain levels?

The websites show the output the same. Also the input gains look identical as well.

As measured with typical headphones, Z=44 Ω: 3.617 VAC RMS @1kHz = 300mW RMS
16 Ω typical Load: 1.933 VAC RMS @1kHz = 230mW RMS
150 Ω typical Load: 5.108 VAC RMS @1kHz = 175mW RMS

Output Power:

As measured with typical headphones, Z=44 Ω: 3.617 VAC RMS @1kHz = 300mW RMS
16 Ω typical Load: 1.933 VAC RMS @1kHz = 230mW RMS
150 Ω typical Load: 5.108 VAC RMS @1kHz = 175mW RMS


Something to do with the internals. They swapped out a few things, nothing too major.

There is now something missing compared to yesterday.


Looking pretty sweet :+1:

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The Hagermann!


Oh well the D50 is even smaller than I thought lol.

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Where did the RNHP go? :eyes:

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Nanachi?? Lol