Searching IEMs/headphones for doing sports

Im searching IEMs /headphones for outdoor sport activity.
Sound quality isnt really a concern.
For me it’s important that it stays on my head and it should resist sweat and light rain.
I do jogging, inline skating. I jump a lot.

Are you looking for any specific sonic character? Wired/Wireless/True Wireless?

What’s your budget?

As long as the sound signature isnt anything extremlely out of the ordinary Im fine. I prefer a bluetooth connection to my smartphone.

My Budget is max 150€.

Check out the powerbeats pro they are very durable and sweat resistant, not bad sounding iems by beats

I haven’t actually heard them yet but the jaybird run xt is straight up waterproof so I would also take a look at those

I have Bad experience with a similiar pair of Gear Icon X. It’s okay when I do some jogging, but anything more than that, for example jumping, then they fall out of my ear :frowning: the beats seem a little more stable

Bose SoundSports. There are cable and wireless solutions but the main point is they are what you are looking. Plus with the great tip’s, usually have 3 different sizes, they stay what ever sport situation.

Those type of tips. Have used them in gym and in shower plus in rain.

My issue with the Power Beats Pro is that there is no hear through, so if you’re jogging outside, you don’t get much feedback from your surrounding, so it’s not safe. You can easily find the Sony WF-SP700N in your budget. They have a wing tip design to securely hold in your ear (they’re one of the only ones I’ve tried that stay in my ears), they have active noise cancelling mode or ambient mode, so you can hear what’s going on around you, and they are water resistant. Sonic quality is pretty good, if not a touch bloated in the mid bass. Only complaints I have are that the case isn’t super pocketable, and usage between charges is only about 4 hours.

I use Aftershokz Trekz Titanium (that name hurts me to type) when I’m walking outdoors or when I’m biking.

They don’t block any sound. They’re very comfortable. They are sweatproof.

They…don’t sound all that good. Interestingly, if you put in earplugs they sound a lot better, but these are never going to be audiophile level. Best thing I can think of except carrying an actual speaker with you to let you still hear the outside world, though.

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those look next level. Have you tried jumping with these?

I have a set of the wired and really like them, picked up the wireless which have different tips that I didn’t care for as much, but used the smallest of the wired pairs on them and corrected the issue.

Stays in, can hear well with them when shopping or biking and feel safe to not run into someone or get hit by a car. I haven’t tried it in the shower or heavy rain but they’ve held up to a light sprinkle.

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I’ve been using a plantronics version of this model for years. Usually can be found between $60-$75. I use it for cycling and when working outdoors or in noisy environments. It works for me so I keep getting a similar model every time I break or lose one.

I don’t jump, but they stay in place while hitting some pretty rough terrain mountain biking.

Or fat guy running.