Share snapshots of your present ENDGAME =D

NIIICE! :wink:

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Still pretty happy with the SA-1? What headphones do you enjoy most on it? I keep playing with the idea of buying one. And I do miss my LP.


The Liquid Platinum is such an under rated amazing hybrid amp. Hope you are enjoying it.

Hope you both got a good volume pot without that big swing they use to have. Took me three returned to find a good one back then.

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Hey @ShaneD You know, I am. It’s funny you should ask, as last night was the first time in recent memory that I have used it as a headphone amp. It’s doing such a great job as a preamp, I have more or less dedicated it to that role. So, it was fun to give it a run. And I still enjoy it very much.

For me, I enjoy pairing it with dynamics the most. The HP-2 and the Radiance provide a great listening experience. Planars not so much, for me at least. The SA-1 isn’t a world beater or anything, but it’s a very solid amp that performs as well serving as a preamp as it does a HP amp. Maybe better. That speaks to its versatility. Overall It’s been a great piece.

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I agree with you, the Liquid Platinum is a great amp. I think it’s the best headphone amp in this system and I enjoy it immensely.

My particular amp has had no issues to date in 1 plus years of service. It does “wake up” quite a bit at about the 10:00 position, but it’s not too bad. It certainly doesn’t diminish the experience at all.

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That sounds phenomenal and on point with my past experisnce as well.

Have you done some tube rolling on it?

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I have, once so far. In fact, I got a matched set of Gold Lions in sync with the amp purchase and installed them right away. At some point I should try the stock Electro-Harmonix 6922 tubes, I hear they are actually really good. But I am enjoying the Gold Lions too much! I was looking at a pristine, matched set of NOS Telefunken 6922, but the price was a bit too much for me. I have half a mind to try those Apos Ray tubes. I have been curious…

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Finally got my full headphone rig up and running.

For the curious starting at the top and working down.
Chord One CD player/transport
Bluesound Node
Denefrips Hermes/Pontuss ii DAC
Schiit Lokius Max
Felix Audio Echo ii valve amp/Pre with switch box adjacent
Hollo Audio Serene Pre/ Class A headphone amp
Mjolnir KGSSHV Energiser


A really strange combination, I have to say.

but works and sound glorious so…


only constant is change
New 5 year update on the Present Endgame.

Marantz preamp with Atmos, Auro and DTSx and 4K/120Hz properties.
The Main Set: running 5.1.4 setup
Fronts and Center: 8351A
Rear Surround: Genelec 8350A
Ceiling Surround front&back : Genelec 8320A
FunWoofer: Genelec 7270A
Cables: Digital AES/EBU 110ohm - Atlas & Cordial

TV Gear:
Samsung 65" QLED
Genelec 8040
Cables: Atlas + Monster

PS5 with BL player running 4K/120
PS4 in Star Wars theme.
archived PS3
archived PS2
archived PS1


Genelec Atmos Setup?! LOL That’s crazy!


Got some nice burr walnut headphone stands.
Some quality Polish woodworking