Shootout Partners for DT700, HD660s2..?

I’ve heard just about every headphone out there as of this Summer, so I guess I’m probing the cracks here. I’m looking for something up to $500-ish to include in my next 4-way shootout, that’s actually available on the market(sorry, Ukrainian Verum stuff). I was going to include DT1990, but I’m about certain it will have the typical Beyer brightness issue.

My favorite sounds:

  • Stax L500 (favorite Stax)
  • Warwick Aperio (#2 rank)
  • RAAL Immanis/Magna (#1 rank)
  • RAAL CA-1a (#3 rank)
  • LCD-4/4z (#4/5 rank?)
  • Modhouse Tungsten (#4 rank?)
  • HE-6 6-screw (I have such sweet memories of demo’ing this in a store, that HE-6 SE v2 did not provide)
  • Spirit Pulsar/Valkyria (absolutely insane DOUBLE driver bass power. Would take over Final D8000 Pro/LTD)
  • Orpheus HE-1

Sounds I like:

  • AT M40x (great, unique, intense, in-your-face sound. BrainWavz ProStock hybrid pads essential. M40x > M50x)
  • Neumann NDH 30 (impressive sound, but can get congested, and lacks detail)
  • HD660s2 (660 is great for gaming, but too thin otherwise)
  • DT700 (fav of 700/900/770/880/990, no question. 880 2nd fav, but so dry…)
  • Warwick Bravura (THE BEST value for high end sound, but has many small flaws Aperio solves)
  • SR007 (cool detail, cool bass, but not enough to win me over L500. And X9000 even worse)
  • DC VOCE (my fav DC, I think)
  • DC AEON 2 NOIRE (an improved AEON 2 Open. NEARLY a keeper, but tiny treble peak issue)
  • Final D8000 Pro/LTD (certainly impressive, but the tuning seemed a bit off/disjointed)
  • HD800s (actually very nice tuning and overall sound, but not good enough for the price)
  • Audeze Mobius?
  • LCD-3 OG?
  • Empyrean Elite (much better performance than Empyrean, but still a strange tuning)
  • Focal Stellia (like a better HD800s, IIRC)
  • Shangri-La Sr.
  • Abyss 1226? (Don’t recall being in love with it, but a solid overall sound, like Final D8000)

Sounds I dislike:

  • DC Stealth (Corina and Expanse were MUCH better)
  • Most HiFiMaN (odd tuning, and typically peaky to some degree = XS. Still haven’t heard HE-1000V2)
  • Most Beyer (except 700 and 880 so far)
  • 109 Pro (uber metallic, too distant sounding)
  • HE-1000 SE?
  • LCD-X 2021 (so plain… And where is the bass???)
  • AKG? (Haven’t heard K812 or K872 yet, but not impressed by all lower models I’ve heard so far)
  • Fostex TH900/909/Modhouse Argon T60RP/Argon III (I dislike MOST closed backs)
  • Every ZMF, pretty much
  • Meze Empyrean
  • Most Grado. GS2000e was good.
  • Most Audio-Technica. Fav would be AX5000 or AD900X. Heard every model, I think.
  • Most Focal. Stellia is the exception.
  • JM Audio XTC Open (even more awful than Stealth. . . unbelievable)
  • HarmonicDyne Zeus (super dark and muddy. GL2000 was OK…?)
  • RAAL Sr-1a / MySphere 3.2

I’ve never heard HD580, and I doubt I’m missing anything there. Haven’t heard ATH-MSR7.

My favorites are the Hifiman Arya Stealth, HE5xx, and the Deva wired pro with autoeq profile on it, but then I dial back the bass sliders. I have the Beyer DT700 but like the DT900 much more. Also like the HE6se 50 ohm (new ones, I’ve got that) more than the 68ohm (original ones).

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I think I liked the Organic much more than the Stealth Arya. So there is an HE6seV3 now? Hm. I was really happy to see the original HE6’s still for sale in Japan on eBay, last I checked. The HE6seV2 I tried was also 50ohm, I just confirmed.

I am going to throw my current faves in the mix to try, the (more) affordable Sennheiser HD400 Pro (basically a rebadged 2023+ model version HD560s with matched drivers). I love these cans and they deliver some of the best presentation (to my ears) with sources that have a touch of warmth. I am loving mine with the Schiit Vali 3 right now, great for gaming, music, movies, spoken word, anything imho. The only disclaimer I’d have is that I haven’t done a large shootout to compare them to a bunch of others, so that bias is there. Again, just another option to offer up if you are willing to accept trying them.

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I’m a big Grado fan. They’re such a fun tuning. But grado is weird like that, you either hate them or love them. There usually isn’t a middle ground.

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I did enjoy GS2000e. Which ones do you like?

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I tried 560 and PC38X at the same time, last year or so. I thought both were decent! Have not heard 580 yet.

Maybe Moondrop Venus is worth a try? Assuming the bass isn’t thin and lifeless. “The bass of the Sundara is tighter with better slam and a cleaner transient response whereas Venus’ has more subbass presence and less midbass punchiness.”

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Not sure if these are in your ballpark to try but I have my sights on the Sony MDR-M1 and the FiiO FT-1 closed-backs. Here are some videos showcasing a breakdown of both, to see if they might interest you to test.

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I love my 20 year plain ol’ sr60. It sounds just as good as it did when I first bought them. Those and the 325x. And I’m currently trying to find a decent deal on a used pair of hemps. Ever since I heard them I just have em.

I’m glad you liked at least one Grado. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hm! It’s interesting that DMS talks about the K371. As I watched these reviews, I was thinking, “These could be great, if they are an improved K553”. Kuz 553 > 371!!! :face_with_spiral_eyes: Really great test method, in the Sony video!

So that’s the M1. What about the MV1, open back? And M1ST? These might be the phones I’m looking for :thinking: Funny that I don’t see M1ST on the Sony site, but I do see M1 and MV1.

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Yeah, I heard good things about the MV1 but haven’t looked to deeply into reviews. I guess another worth adding to your test selection! :headphones:

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I’ll add MDR-7506 to the list, then I can compare it directly with the new M1 and MV1, and to my M40x and K553.

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