Shortbus Audio Anomaly (and more possibly)

I think that the reason why paper filters tend to veil the sound is that the tuning paper is kind of like Swiss cheese with varying sizes of holes even though the average hole size determines the filtering effect. I like mesh filters since the hole size is constant. I have never fiddled around with foam filters even though I want to.

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Foam is interesting, it can be excellent or not. Really there is no one stop way to tune an IEM and I HATE HATE HATE overdamping a driver. It destroys more esoteric metrics of the sound you can’t necessarily graph.

FWIW I have another propriatary method of tuning via front bore tube. I won’t say what it is because its my own thing but a hint is audiophiles treat their listening rooms with acoustic baffles and similar. I do the same.


BTW I did an interview with James Demer for Linsoul a bit ago. In case anyone cares here is that video


I think that I get the spirit of idea yet I will not discuss your idea any further. Document the progress for your patent and share your documentation only with trusted friends.

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I made some changes to the tuning, mostly because I felt it could be slightly better. Arrived at these 3 sound profiles. Also tip sliding backwards is the wrong move, it changes treble too much to gain bass so i’m working on a way to not do that.


That yellow graph is looking tasty….


Yep that one looks the best.


It should cover a lot of music like this. Metal would probably prefer the green graph. More clean acoustic music purple and then of course bassy stuff orange. I would say however, the purple graph has by far the most 3D and openness. That is actually fully open vent

Here is my attempted fix for the bass areas, you would use a small oring and side it over that first vent (there is a 2nd).


Sounds valid. That bass shelf with the yellow/brown is very in line with my own preference target.


I’m a slut for heavy sub bass, clean lower mids tuning. For my HRTF, it makes the sound ‘feel’ deep.

One of the widest sounding IEMs I have though, is the LetShuoer S08. I just can’t put my finger on why… Could be the flat upper mids/lower treble tuning.


I need that cuz im a low volume listener as well, helps with equal loudness curve.


Valid point. Same here. I don’t have a way to measure the SPL level of my IEMs when listening but I have to assume it’s not very loud.


I just ordered a db meter after trying out a db measuring app on my phone where it said 62db average when I tried it with my speakers lol. Had to find out if its really accurate.
Same brand as the multimeter I got which is comparable to MUCH more expensive multimeters, so hopefully this db meter is as good.


This would be a cool tool to have in the future considering this damn hobby is like, half of my life lol

Let me know how it works out for you.


I don’t intend to mass market really. These are kind of boutique and will be low numbers. The thing is that after I get to the end of this final venting thing, It’s just building them. Hopefully much easier and faster.


I like the oring idea, less likeliy that you accidentally cover it with eartips just when fitting the IEM.

Ditto. And I just like a lot of bass, apparently :sweat_smile:


I use an old school radio shack DB meter in A weighting. Then I hold the meter about where my left ear is and center my body between 2 near field studio monitors. Lastly, put in one iem in my right ear and level match the monitors until it matches the IEM SPL. I’m sure its not perfect but its accurate enough to know I listen 90+db plenty.


Yeah thats how i was thinking of doing it, even though it looks weird lol.


I just need some idea! Fletcher Munson rules the universe where I come from.

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Accuracy is less important than consistency. Props to you for putting in the effort to build precisely what you want/like.

Not meant as a nag but my old eared self, tinnitus and mildly hyperaccusis right-ear afflicted, hopes your future self doesn’t regret the 90+dB listening.