Simgot Phoenix EM6L talk and reviews

It pwns:


Hi, was planning to order them soon, and i’ll do. Got the the Simgot EW200 (less then 50 €), they are really good, my prefered iems under 100€.

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Just ordered a pair for AM delivery tomorrow. I have the EA500 and love them with Dunu S&S tips. I tried the EW200 and the upper treble wasn’t as good as the EA500 at all. Will do an update after trying them at least a few hours to run some playlists through them. Don’t usually do burn in, but 30 minutes seems to help on some IEM’s. The rest is my wee brain getting used to the new signal…


I agree with you about the upper treble. Good thing is that they respond well to EQ for a treble boost, i added 3or4 db from 11k and above with the Qudelix. They became more revealing. Bass and and mids are also more than satisfying. The driver is a high quality one, no matter the price i think.
They are the iems that i EQ the less, they immediatly sounded good and engaging to my ears, using a balanced cable and
final audio type E (clear 2021).
EA500 were tempting me, but some people says bass are way better on EW200 (they are really good btw…poor Hexa). That’s why i plan to skip EA500 for the EM6L.
Hope you will enjoy them.

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Well I’ve had the EW200 this week, and my daily driver is the EA500, and been listening to the EM6L which arrived this morning. Here’s a summary how they stack up. I’ll use comparisons since I can’t find my audiophile thesaurus. I use a Topping E50 and A30Pro combo for everything, since I get a lot of headphones in for the business. Tried them all with stock, and Dunu S&S tips.

The EW200 has a little more authoritative bass, similar to the PC37x when properly powered. Mini thumps but nothing a basshead would go for. It’s noticeable, but not overwhelming. A narrow range in the treble that sounded grainy but only a few times. I think they’re priced fairly, but would spend the extra for the EA500.

EA500 This pair I use every day, the red nozzles are very similar to the Truthear Zero Blue but the EA500 doesn’t have the bass distortion (most obvious in games with lots of explosions, then you’ll hear it). The black tips sound very similar to the Zero Red in tuning. Vocals are thinner, and with the S&S tips the mids are a little recessed (but smoother), and the soundstage is larger. Most like the Beyerdynamic DT880 250 ohm with stock tips and black nozzles. I’d recommend the S&S tips just to smooth the treble and soundstage increase. Equalizing up the mids really completes these.

EM6L I’m wearing these now and been on them all day. The mid bass sounds a little dull. Bass extensions is good and you can feel it slightly like on the EW200 or to a lesser degree on the EA500 with red nozzles. A small recession in the mids, mainly male vocals, and female sounds a little better, but not as accurate as the EA500 sounds. The soundstage is good, but imaging is just ok. It’s nothing expansive like the Seeaudio Yume II which is amazing. Imaging on the EA500 wins here, in games on those even distant sounds are easy to pinpoint. These are not at all worth more money than the EA500, these should cost less, not more.

With all three to pick from, I’m staying with the EA500 with Dune S&S tips. They’re all around good at music and gaming. I have the Sennheiser IE600 and they have the best imaging, but small soundstage. The Seeaudio Yume II have a huge (for an IEM) soundstage, really nice imaging, but a 2db recessed mids which can be easily compensated for in any music player EQ. In games they need nothing, and smoke most headphones on the market.

The EA500 need more than onboard sound or a phone for power or you’ll be at max volume most of the time. I use the Apple 3.5mm to USB adapter for travel which has all the power you’ll ever want for these. I stick with 44.1khz 16 bit FLAC, so the 48khz limit on the Apple isn’t a limitation. The EA500 is the only one of the three I have absolutely no need to equalize. Tips are all about personal fitment, so it’s hard to say anything there. The design of the Dune S&S gives a smooth sound and the length enhances the soundstage at a little cost of presence in the mids. Also they smooth the treble on the black nozzles, something the stock tips don’t help with. I think the EA500 is the model where they really nailed it.


Thanks a lot for this analysis, it really helps me.
Since yesterday, and after reading your post, i had a doubt on EM6L, especially after reading more reviews on the EA500. And you have identified an essential element:

Many iems, in my opinion, lacks of middle bass and concentrate on sub-bass, to satisfy “popular” music, maybe. That is not my taste since i enjoy mid-bass punch. Truthears Hexa, which is still good, fails to have good mid-bass, Tin T3 have good ones (lacks a bit sub, but it’s ok), Heart Mirror and FH3 too, Kbear Believe are well balanced in that regard.
Since i’m 51 i’m not treble sensitive, i need trebles!

I’m listening mainly acoustic/electric Rock/metal(more hard-rock oriented)/blues, that explains…
EA500 looks like to be the one i should get.

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Yeah so far guys, I am having fun with the EM6L. I am curious though for I might consider getting the Dunu S&S tips just to see how they will sound like and how they will fit in my ears. Seem promising so far actually and yeah the Phoenix is just all-around good and they can do that 3d sound very right.

These babies deserve a better cable and I am planning giving this a good set of cables and it’s also modular, for Simgot really did it again, making an absolute fire of an IEM.

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I’d just start with the large tips if you usually wear a medium since the stock ones are like 1mm smaller than I’m used to. The large fit perfect but the medium were loose and caused treble to be too high because of bad fitment. I’m switching off between them and the Dunu S&S medium the next day or so. With the black nozzle and large stock tips I doubt if I’ll ever shop for IEM’s for myself again until the solid state models come out. Creative and xMems ear buds using solid state drivers aren’t out yet, but I’ll grab a pair when they are just out of curiosity. My Sennheiser IE600 are sitting in a box, just to give an idea how good the EA500 are…


I will order them before the end of the month, with the kit mod. I never heard sennheiser 600 but that certainly means something, so expensives!
The ones i prefer are Kbear Believe (real beasts compare to the others), then Shuoer S12
Will tell you my impressions on the EA500.
Eartips… a complex choice sometimes, depending of your ear canal. I must use L or XL ones. But yes they can impact as you told.
I switch between stock tips, Spinfits (100/145/1025), Sedna Crystal, Final type E, Sedna regular. That takes time lol. Haven’t tried these Dunu yet, but soon.

I may be able to “help” here. I just got a set of those tips, and I wasn’t in love with the EM6L initially. I couldn’t get the original tips to seal at all, and with my foam tips they were just meh. I am assuming they sound so much better with the dunu tips because they are further inserted into my ears, and they are sealing properly. I intend to order 3-4 more sets of these tips as they seem to be pretty amazing on their own.


After several days of listening and comparing to other IEMs with neutral studio monitor like playback - such as Softears Studio4 I came up with an easy, fast and reversible mod for EM6L. It takes it to another level of refinement.

Apply 250 mesh filter on top of the nozzle. It drops 2-5 kHz by 2 db. If you need to drop treble after 8 kHz more, apply 300 mesh filter.

I tried 400 and 500 mesh filters, but treble drops off too much, instrument separation gets worse and it just sounds wrong.

The treble level after 8 kHz should be at the same level as 800-1 kHz. When it is above, it doesn’t sound natural. If you look closer at frequency graphs of many well tuned and loved IEMs, often TOTL staff that’s how they have it tunned.

Personally I have 250 mesh filter applied to my EM6L. I think it makes it just right. Slightly less treble and 2 db less in upper mids, let you hear the bass and lower mids better.

Dunu S&S tips work really well with EM6L!

Now the controversial trigger topic. Don’t hate on me! If you don’t hear a difference, that’s fine, enjoy the stock cable.

I swapped to TRN Red chain modular cable. Somehow it improved resolution and micro-detail retrieval. The stock cable, looks like gold plated, is smoother, but too smooth. May be that’s why some reviewers claiming it has average detail retrieval. I think silver plated cable is a better match for EM6L. There are must be difference in capacitance between these cables, but I have no way of measuring it.

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Correct, because overtones are generally lower energy/amplitude than fundamentals.

(of course, u need to consider the inaccuracy of the iec711 graphs above 8k and all that.)

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100% agree. That’s why I measured my EM6L, then compared and measured the Mesh mod on the same 711 coupler, instead of uploading and comparing to other reviewers graphs. The final test is my ears :wink:

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I bite the bullet and these arrived today. Currently using it with my Simgot EM6L and hear how it sounds now.

Seems promising so far in terms of looks and it’s a unique feeling when it’s in my ears.


Another great review from Bennet from Canucks Audioholics Review Group

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Hi. Ok, got them, il understand What you told me. These are so good, stunning! And they respond greatly to eq. Strangely my prefered tuning goes to Black filter with a 200 mesh filter on them and Azla regular black eartips.
One of my test song is "here comes revenge from Metallica, and these are my best iems to really open the sound. Others are à bit congested.
Ew200 are still a great value, but i prefer the EA500 (not a huge margin).

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Yeah I tried a few others that came in this week and still can’t find anything I like better. I tried the large stock tips and really liking them too. Only upgraded to the Kbear 4.4mm cable and happy to keep with these a long time. The Linsoul T1 Plus has a little bigger soundstage, but vocals don’t have the presence of the Simgot EA500, not exactly recessed but things like pianos or violin don’t sound as good either.

Linsoul KZ AST by comparison is a little softer sounding with less note definition. A small range in the treble has a bite to it I didn’t like. Not sibilant or shouty, but too much at the wrong times.

TheAudio Legacy 4 This is a good all around IEM, no real faults to it with both the tuning switches down. I didn’t like them flipped on though. Good soundstage and instrument separation is very nice. Good bass extension too.

Linsoul 2022 Tin Hifi T2 DLC This is a good one, female vocals and violins were the standout. Medium soundstage and very good imaging. No detail is lost on these, just as noticeable as other expensive headphones I have like the HE6SE.

Moondrop Kato This is an upgrade to the Simgot EA500 with better bass extension, details, and instrument separation. If money isn’t an issue, it’s a pair to shoot for and a noticeable upgrade from the Starfield I had last week.

Tomorrow the Seeaudio Yume Ultra will be here, and want to see how it compares to the first and second versions I’ve had also. For now I’m really happy with the Simgot EA500 and plan on using it daily for a long time.

Update: Just got the Seeaudio Yume Ultra and they’re so close to the Moondrop Kato it’s spooky. If you have one, don’t sidegrade to the other, you might not even be able to tell which you have on when switching. Both are excellent and well rounded. Music or throw into a game, if I had to pick one to use for a daily driver, I’d just flip a coin in the air. The Ultra is a little lighter with the plastic shell than the Kato which is metal and has a little more isolation because of that. As far as tuning goes, I don’t have a preference one or the other. Comfort it equal, if one is comfortable the other will probably be also.


To the guys who are facing a similar issue like me and that issue would be using the Dunu S&S tips on their EM6Ls and they keep slipping off from the nozzle lipless nozzles of the Phoenix, I have made a fix sorta.

I used a micropore tape and wrap that tape around the nozzles of the EM6Ls, put the S&S tips on it and the tips doesn’t slip anymore and man it sucks like mine when my ears do get waxy or oily for it just makes the tips slip off before applying the tape.

Might not last long though, but yeah I think that is the only nitpick that I have for the Phoenix, the lacking of nozzle lips but overall when it comes to sounds, I love it.

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