Pretty well, that combo is very nice, great technicalities while being decently organic and somewhat fun for music. For gaming it has pretty great positional accuracy for competitive and spacious enough for more casual immersion, good for picking up spacial queues. Overall pretty solid synergy and should serve well for both gaming and music
How much of an upgrade is this compared to the bifrost 2 + rnhp?
It should be an overall step up outside of timbre (slight but not major), but it’s not a direct upgrade as it’s a different signature and presentation
So my 2541 just came in today and noticed it came included with a USB cable. I’m planning on pairing this dac to a V280 FE and I’m wondering if the USB cable that came with the dac is any good. Anyone here that have this specific pairing, do you use the included USB or do you use an aftermarket one instead?
Congrats on your dac2541 !
The included cable is OK, but you may want to get an aftermarket one at some point, but it is not something you need to rush out right away and buy.
Cables are a bit of a hot topic and the opinions vary from one side of the camp or another whether they make a difference or how much. I felt there was a difference when I switched out to aftermarket cables so, to me it is worth it. I would not go all crazy at first - I’ve had good luck with Pangea Premier and also Audio Quest Forest as decent cables better than the run of the mill bargain $10.00 but yet won’t break the bank either at @ $50 or so.
Edit: I run a dac1541 with a Violectric V281 for context.
Oh, it’s a good thing that I ordered Schitt’s PYST USB cable a while ago then. Guess I’ll use that once my amp arrives.
Speaking of USB - how is the clock in this DAC? For this price, I assume the usb implementation makes Schiit’s Unision look sickly by comparison, but I sure am prepared to be dead wrong in my assumptions.
Would this DAC actually benefit from an external master clock, DDC, or even just a galvanic isolator?
The USB implementation in the Soekris DAC is really pretty good, and is fully isolated.
Adding a DDC IMO is not necessary, but I did get a marginal improvement when adding a DDC and using the AES/EBU input. I did not go all crazy with the DDC, I’m using a Matrix Audio X-SPDIF 2 with a DH labs D-110 AES cable. The stand outs I noticed were the background was a bit blacker and some improvement to base control and tone.
Just notice this thread for the 2541.
I got mine a week ago after waiting for several weeks for Modhouse.
Coming from Schiits B1 and B2 for years. Tested many other dacs. Chord TT2, Toppings., RME-ADI etc…never tried one of Sorens designs…also have a iFI Pro DSD with their Burr Brown multibit implementation which i find for me is excellent.
But I wanted to try another r2r dac and doing the reading and researching the folks that have Yggys seem to like this dac and for the cost it seems to compare very well for a dac costing $1000 + .
So i bit and bought one.
So far its and excellent device here…doesnt have all the bells and whistles as the much more expensive iFi…but for a dac it does its job very well.
I love its digital 1 db volume / level control…so smooth. Easy to adjust the line out. The included op amp, amp is decent as well. Has enough EMF to drive my 420 ohm Final Audio D8000 Pros and HD 650’s…and most anything else here ATM.
Pictures? We all like pictures!! LOL!
Testing with a speaker amp using the 2541’s line output
As much as I REALLY like my D8000 Pros…I had to try the ADX 5000’s…they have been on my radar for months…but not really liking the hd800 sound but loving the 600/650 sound…I always wondered if there was an alternative for the 800 that was light and airy, but with better bass and still a nice soundstage.
So the ADX 5000…another “dark” horse that many headphone folks often overlook…
WIth the Soekris built in amp…the ADX 5000’s seem to pair nicely with SE and Balanced outputs. The pairing seems to tone down the brightness just enough to make them very enjoyable.
I am listening to Joni MItchells “Dreamland” CD with a few orchestral tracks…its like being there next to Joni watching her sing…just marvelous.
One of those times where you just get lost in the music…and the gear just goes away and you really listen for a chance…
The 2541 helps with its “not so stellar” internal amp…to make the listening experience actually very very good…and the 5000’s are 420 ohms!
go figure!!
Absolutely, it’s a great headphone that really is just not paid attention to
Its my “improved” HD800 type of heaphone…
I’ve got both on me and I can at the same time see why they are compared, but also think they are different enough to not be like a direct upgrade of anything either. I’d personally take the 5k over the 800s though the majority of the time if I could only have one (unless there some very specific current drive amps involved lol, still keep the 800s around like only one amp)
Some folks look at the cost of these compared to the 800’s with the extra balanced cable vs more bucks for the 5000’s with only a SE cable…for me its a dont care…if I want that transducer I will just get it…and make my own cable…
Or just buy a good single ended amp and you don’t have to worry about it balanced period lol. It is irritating that both connectors on the 5k or the 800 are somewhat proprietary but both of them can be purchased on their own so doesn’t matter too much. Or just reterminate the end of the cable that works too lol
First impressions are lasting ones…
Its a small, very well built, designed and engineered dac, with filters, crossfeed and all the usual inputs and a internal class A amp FWIU with SE and Balanced XLR outputs.
The iFi doenst have the XLR output and it costs alot more…$3495 for the new signature series version…vs $1299 for the Soekris 2541.
More bells and whistles on the iFi Pro iDSD for sure and TUBES if thats your thing. And it does DSD to 512 and 1024 very well…so that might be a thing for you ?
Very easy to use and select stuff…
The Soekris is an industrial looking piece of gear, retro style looking that tells me it here to do the job!! I really like the black front panel and it digital volume control. I prefer this over the traditional motorized pot in the iFi…the pot in the iFi is great…just a small personal thing…
To compare with other dacs in my systems, I set the level to 00 with the digital control and the front button to LINE and listen, But at this “00” setting the clipping light does come on from time to time…this has been noted by Soren and discussed on another site…just set the level to -01. Some say they have to set this to -03 for some music.
The nice thing here is the ability to reduce the output when using it and its filters to avoid driving stuff hard. You have this ability with the iFi via its 4 position switch in the read (screwdriver).
At first when listening the iFi takes the prize in clarity and a sound I am used to and prefer…but after careful level setting its really close…over a wide variety of music they are to me very similar…its at the point that it and it iFi allow you to tell the difference between most recordings…they both are that good in being able to resolve all the details in a recording. I abhor using terms that others on sites use to try to accurately describe the sound of stuff with often very confusing terms for such a subjective topic.
The thing I would state is this is a neutral uncolored “sounding” dac…the filters do “things” to the sound but they are all very slight…and unless you have very, very resolving headphones and very good source material it will be hard to tell the differences. A nice touch in the logic of the 2541 is you can select a filter and have it remember that filter used over the inputs selected. The crossfeed function only works with headphones from what I read in the manual.
The Soekris 2541 is an excellent dac for $1299…and holds its place well against dacs costing more than twice its costs. It may not have all the bell and whistles that some other AIO’s have, but for a solid, well built dac this is indeed a great choice.
The last thing is the internal headamp…for the price the first thing some folks jump out is immediately stating at this price range its a ho-hum amp that will do in a pinch. Rubbish. Its a decent amp that drove anything I had a 60 ohms to 420 ohms very well. The iFi does have more power. 1.5 or 4 watts depending on the jack you use.
I wouldnt use this amp to drive Susvaras and He6se’s but for 98% of the other stuff it does very well.
It has a 3 yr warranty, and I like this as well. The iFi only has a 12 month warranty !! ?? !! iFi should upgrade their warranty IMO. And I like iFi stuff.
So far the 2541 is working very well…I will never use all the inputs. If you only are looking for a solid well built, well engineered and neutral dac with a decent price considering the high costs of this stuff out there. This unit would suffice very well…
Nice review. Would you say this is a large upgrade over the Bifrost 2? It is just about double the price.
Honestly I wouldnt say it is a “BIG” upgrade, but a very similar but different one. I wanted to try it out of curosity. Wanting to see what Sorens latest “magi” was. Its really good.
If you have a Schiit Bifrost 2 and really like it, IMO no need to update…but only your ears will be able to tell this…so you have to try it to really see.
$700 vs $1300 for sure more cost…
You get SE and balanced outs, but have a built in amp SE and balanced outs. 4 filters to play with and crossfeed. Having an adjustable level for the output is really nice thing as well…but worth the price difference…well ?
Sounds like a very nice unit but I think I am done upgrading my DAC/amps.
Fun reading about it though.