Songs similar to these?

Anything at all similiar to this? Whether its a song an album or artist im just really interested in something like these. This artist Heize included each of these in her album but her music is generally different


Hear is what I can think off right off the top of my head if you want the beat to be there that would be lofi hip hop.
Elijah Who might be enjoyable to you.

Also here is a playlist of lofi piano

If you want more just piano no lofi

Hope this helps
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Thnx, I definitely liked many of the studio ghibli soundtracks and i was definitely interested in the. The first two however were more repetitive just beats, what i liked about the heize songs were the dynamics. Like after the. 28th second of the first one it just ramps up beautifully. Thanks alot tho!

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Thought of this post when I was listening to this album

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Woah, Heize is perfection…
Thanks for the share.

Makes me think of…

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Listening to this for the third time in one hour… :heart:

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Oh what a coincidence! Im actually in korea right now and i bought this!


And thnx for the songs I really liked the second and third one too!