If you don’t like your speakers to Beginn with there is only so much an amp can do…
Different amps are great to fine tune speakers you like, but the speakers keep the properties of their chassis.
The 701 is definitely a neutral but bright amp… I owned a 700 and it started having issues after 3 years. Exposure would be neutral without a brighter edge.
Cambridge is on the brighter, hollow side of things too… not a warm, mid heavy „sweet“ Englisch sound at all lol
The IOTAVX has warmer mids. I don’t really remember the treble but I think it was neutral.
If you want to go tube Preamp, have a look at the Creek EVOLUTION 50P again. Neutral isch but very smooth and slightly warm.
Edit. Naim could be the warm thing you are looking for but a 5si is over budget. Rega would be the alternative but you seem to not trust them.
I think I do like the speakers, since with each amp upgrade I have started to like them bit more. And like Steven Guttenberg said, the 600Ms will scale up nicely. Thats the reason I wanna invest in an amp rather than new speakers. And of course - this is all great fun for me.
(amp history with 600Ms - Loxije “wedge amp”, Onkyo A9110, Marantz PM6006)
Thomas & Stereo had some good words about the IOTAVX, even said if you want a neutral presenation, like a Sansui from 70s, then its better to buy the new IOTAVX, which will be cheaper and will sound similar. And since the amp only version is just 350 euros… tempted
Rega? I could trust them Like someone said earlier - perhaps its an Amazon problem with their stuff.
Next thing I will do is ask advice from a local hi-fi dealer - they have all of those amps talked about here on their product list (besides the IOTAVX).
I guess this thread could be summarized as “first world problems”
I don’t think you’ll be disappointed they’re really good speakers especially for your first set up. Plus down the line you can always get a tube amp and or tube preamp.
You can check out the best stereo amplifiers here. I have a Fender Hot Rod and a Fender Princeton. Personally, I prefer Princeton. Has built-in reverb and vibrato and does GREAT with pedals.