Someone just pointed out that I have been saying “spacial” instead of “spatial” because it gets auto-corrected for some reason. And I mention spatial accuracy a fair bit. I sincerely apologize for any confusion I may have caused in the process of being unable to spell and letting auto-correct take the wheel
Probably something to do with the new… ‘Spell Converter System developed by Sennheiser’ no? lol.
That’s spacial.
You’re spacial. This whole forum is spacial.
Mon, certianly not the worst autocorrect mistake one could make.
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Yeah, it’s not like you have a last name of ‘Pope’ and leave your computer unlocked, and this genius but immature at the time dude edits your Outlook spelling and autocorrect settings so that every time you type your last name it would automatically change it to ‘Poop’.
Is that a scene from a movie that I haven’t seen?
Before I take you seriously again, I need to know that this ^^^ post has passed spell check and grammar correction.