Stax sr-202 as an upgrade from HD650

Hey guys!
I currently own the HD650, but I recently got hooked by the idea of purchasing a used e-stat. I’ve found some Stax sr-202 within my budget, but I’m questioning whether those would be better than my Sennheisers. I listen to classical and also instrumental jazz. What do you think?

i dont have a high opinion of the 650, but stax are awesome. not sure about the 202 but the Koss 95x estat is on sale right now and it sounds great for 400$

What amp do you have? You might actually be better off with the 650 if you have a good amp for them imo. An estat would be neat but I think the 95x or stax won’t sound as natural or accurate for those genre

I use a DIY amp my dad got made by a pro engineer in the early 2000s. Apparently that guy was one of the best in middle Europe, so the amp should be pretty good.

Well you should be pretty good then amp wise :+1:

Regarding if you should jump to estats, the 202 is going to be a much brighter more lean sound with a strange timbre. It should have plenty of detail, but might sound inorganic and strange, which you may love or hate. I personally would pick something else depending on your budget or stick with the 650 unless you want something fairly different