šŸ› Tansio Mirai Discussion and Impressions

I would say the X is a good step above Maestro Mini looking at bass texture, Mini is more of a slam hard and be that. Nothing more. Also Mini have too sharp and unrefined treble, while the X has a pretty good upper range. Mids are shadowed by bass and highs on both sets, but here also X is better.

Would say X is a much better purchase.


Stock grey tips as I said I rarely use stock tips but the grey ones seem to just take the edge off the treble while not blunting the bass too much.


I appreciate you sharing your thought process, dude, thank you for that. As much as it pains me to say this, I may think about replacing the Maestro Mini sometime this year for a better Bass head set and the X seems to possibly fit the bill.


I believe the stock tips is the standard lime green stem standard Penon tips. Both light and dark "umbrellaā€œ. Wonā€™t surprise me if the liqueur tips work great on these.


I have the liquor tips on order :wink:


Iā€™ve got the black liquors coming with the TSMR-X. Also curious if theyā€™ll be a good match.

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Man Iā€™m with you these days. Texture is winning over quantity. With that said, ā€œDamn you @Sonofholhorse!ā€ You have forever ruined my ears to anything less than the holy grail.


The damped port (I refuse to call it a driver) on the TSMR-X begs for modding. Have you guys heard of anyone playing around with the Apex modules to mess with the tuning without simply buying a new one, e.g. transpore tape?

can you explain textured bass for me?

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Of course, I can try my best.

Un-textured bass can come off as a blob of just low tones. Textured bass allows you to hear and feel the difference nuances in said bass.

A bass guitar comes off as a human plucking the strings rather than it just sounding like wub wub wub - there are different tones there, different notes and some IEMs donā€™t translate that well.


so you mean more defined basically. detailed bass.


Yes, exactly


Any impressions on the TSMR-X yet, @pevinkarker ?

Nice review by @Akros on the TSMR-X. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Akros!


Word through the grapevine is that the TSMR-X pre-order sale will end tomorrow (Feb 25th). Itā€™s up on Penonā€™s aliexpress now for full price. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005006573142908.html

Some poor soul already bought one full price :sob: (NB this includes vat, therefore >700 USD).


Having had the Tansio Mirai 10th Anniversary X for some weeks now (got one in the first flush) I would recommend it unhesitatingly, unless you have very young acute treble hearing.
I do not like the stock cable at all and replaced it with a 4.4 mm XINHS mixed pure Copper/pure Silver cable that averages out between Ā£28-35 quid. Iā€™ve used L Spiral Dots, L Divinus Velvets, L Penon Liqueurs, L Azla Crystals and they all suit. On the stock switch setting, bass notes are lower than most other IEMs, on the Bass setting the notes are very quantitative and very forward on the stage. After break in and brain burn in, the stage is spacious and multi dimensional. I suppose it could be called bass-head, but in reality it is the depth/lowness of notes that stands out. Treble for my old ears is smooth and technicalities at the best end of BA technicalities. Timbre and tone good (better with the right cable). Bass breaks in quite quickly in just a few days. The on offer price is extremely good value, but the price on the Ali Penon shop has gone up considerably. A new direction for TMSR and the bass is really something else. Even mids/vocals/guitars are very good. At Ā£399 a good buy. Editā€¦great for Classical music, gets the texture of violins and the orchestral separation perfectly.


Not my listing and donā€™t know the sellerā€¦ if youā€™re in the UK this might be worth a punt :man_shrugging:ā€¦

I saw this and was a bit outraged, gotta be honest! They put them on eBay a few weeks ago @ Ā£550 when it was still Ā£316 on the Penon site. Oh yeah, and itā€™s still Ā£316 on the Penon site (they keep extending it). The eBay seller has been slowly dropping the price over time, I hope no-one buys them - just trying to make a profit and make someone pay over what they did (most of that profit going to eBay too!)

Anyway, Iā€™ve had the TSMR-X for a while now and they are fantastic. The bass is as good as my Doscinco and I donā€™t see how you can get treble or detail better than this at this price point. Sometimes I EQ in a touch more to the lower mids to bring in some warmth and bring the vocals forward a bit, but thatā€™s my only crticism.
Also, I posted about this on Head-Fi but Iā€™m pretty sure it has more than just the 100, 010 and 001 tunings that most people assumed. 011 might be my favourite, being bassier than 010 but not quite as bass dominant as 100. 111 also is bassier still to my ear than 100 if you want to see how far you can push it!


Yeah, overpriced at this point since Penon still has the ā€œpre-saleā€ going on. Skeptical to them being labelled as ā€œnewā€, Iā€™d want photos showing them still plastic-wrapped. Some of those photos were grabbed from the headfi Tansio Mirai thread.


Theyā€™ve also put up a listing for a brand new Fan 2, priced at Ā£210ā€¦ Claiming the RRP is Ā£250, when a) the RRP is Ā£220, and b) We all know he used the perpetual 50% off code and got them for Ā£110. What a grifter!

Itā€™s particularly bad because although I think the Fan 2 @ Ā£110 and the TSMR-X @ Ā£300ish are the two best deals Iā€™ve had in hifi, I donā€™t think I would have been happy with either purchase at ā€œfullā€ price. The Fan 2 isnā€™t very versatile and doesnā€™t have enough technical ability to be worth more than ~Ā£160 IMO, and at Ā£550 the TSMR-X would be going up against some 4EST tribids like the DTE900.

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