šŸ› Tansio Mirai Discussion and Impressions

The price of TSMR-X is high from this seller, I hope he is a scammer, it was 300 dollars as far as I remember on promotion. I have not listened to the TSMR-X, but it will hardly stand next to the DTE900! :wink:

Yep, it was $399 dollars - and it still is!
I havenā€™t got any EST sets, but Iā€™ve heard from others that the TSMR-X is about equal to 2EST sets like the Penon 10th Anniversary, so is more DTE500 level. My next purchase wonā€™t be until 11.11 at the very earliest, but I have one of the DTE500 and DTE900 on my radar as my two primary targets, unless some crazy new tech or better value EST sets enter the market before then :slight_smile:


They dropped the ā€œpreorderā€ part. I just canā€™t comprehend how Penon can be so full of sh*t when it comes to false marketing, prices and their usual ā€œreviewersā€ when they release very decent products. Just why do this?
Ever since TSMR X arrived itā€™s been my main set, completely replacing other IEMs. But I still feel like an idiot for getting it early because of that ā€œtime limited priceā€.


yeah thats how they drum up sales. Itā€™s not just Penon either. Its all over AE. So many fake list prices with great ā€œdealsā€. dsnuts even said in one of his posts earlier on the list price was Penon saying that the sound the IEM produces is ā€œworthā€ $700 instead of it being the MSRP to show how good a deal the $399 is.


I havenā€™t been that long in chi-fi but I think itā€™s the first time they did this in so obnoxious manner. I would expect this from Hidizs (with the recent ā€œ$199ā€ MP145), not Penon.
They could have been lesser known company with good products, interesting house sound and adequate pricing. Yet they are aiming towards being company known for terrible business practices and shady reviews that happens to also make good gear.
And Iā€™m writing this as their regular customer.


This is just rumors and hearsay, but I read that they sold 699 sets on AliExā€¦ :thinking::thinking:. If it is true buyer(s) have to be furious when they find out.


Agreed - I wish I didnā€™t like their house sound so much because it really puts me off them. Feels like itā€™s really hard to find a community for Chifi that isnā€™t driven by ulterior orchestration and consumer zealotry. Youā€™ve got reddit where apparently the Variations are still the best tribid on the market no matter your preferences because Crinacle et al say so and if you canā€™t afford that, the only budget options are the Crinacle collabs; and then thereā€™s Head-Fi where some of the most influential posters seem to be in Penonā€™s pocket who claim a $300 cable is a good sonic investment. Thatā€™s how I see it anyway, so I really appreciate this community for having the most open-minded perspectives of the entire market.

At least with the TSMR-X no longer being a pre-order price I feel less guilty recommending it to people, so they donā€™t feel pressured into buying it soon like I did. Got to admit the marketing trick got me hook, line and sinker. Would never have bought a $399 set praised for its clarity with recessed mids otherwise, but like you Iā€™m glad that I did and itā€™s likely my favourite set now, even if I do like to EQ a bit of warmth back into the lower mids for many tracks.


Some chancer has been trying to flip a set on eBay for Ā£500 here in the UK.

Heā€™s now lowered it to Ā£470 :person_facepalming:t3:

Honestly, itā€™s shameful. I hope he doesnt even get the price he paid for it.


It was Ā£550 when he started - more than on AE! And heā€™s also selling the Fan 2 at RRP rather than the discounted price. It winds me up more than it should do. Kev mate, youā€™re a massive dickhead


I mustā€™ve missed the Ā£550 starting price!

Itā€™s still available for Ā£316 from Penon with free delivery, with a discount from Penon (which I always get) itā€™d be sub Ā£300.

This guy wants Ā£470+Ā£8 delivery.

Itā€™s criminal and quite frankly disgusting tbh, as heā€™s placed it on there in the hopes he snares and rips off some poor unaware person.


I added it to my watchlist out of morbid curiosity as soon as I saw it, hopefully all the other watchers are doing the same and not actually interested. With the price stabilising on the Penon site at least itā€™s more likely now heā€™ll have to take a hit if he ever wants to shift it!


On a positive note, I guess I donā€™t have to rush and buy one from em


wait, let me get this straight. The price back when it was first released on Penon, was 400 usd with a discount showing the ā€œoriginalā€ price at 700 usd AND marked as a preorder? in which case, it is implied that the discount is because of a preorder deal BUT months later, they removed the preorder part AND the price is unchanged. Is that correct?

If so that is blatant false marketing and they could get in trouble for it I assumeā€¦if it wasnt china at leastā€¦

Penon bois though. (dsnuts)

hahaha :man_facepalming:


lol that logic is wild. By that logic KZ D-Fi is worth $640 cause its got 16 different tunings


Maybe if I sell my house I can afford the true worth of the Joyodio VZ10!


Yup. For last month or so, every time I checked it was always $399 on official website. They never charged that crossed out $699. They could just round it to 1 or 2K for better visibility.
This wouldnā€™t fly in EU where you are obligated to post the next lowest price from last 30 days (which passed strictly because stuff like this fake 43% off).


Well, another black mark on their record then and will add to the list.


Fist and the last time Iā€™ve placed preorder on anything chi-fi. I should just stick to my own rules and never order outside of sale periods. Context? Newsletter:

  • [ā€¦] For order above US$50 , we will send FREE GIFT that worth 25% - 45% of your order together
    Please enter the required coupon code [ā€¦]*

Now combine it with placing last minute ā€œpreorderā€ for X week ago. If this isnā€™t spitting in your customerā€™s face I donā€™t know what is.

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Chifi or just Penon? I always just use the code in a Penon email. Shenzhen has never messed with me. Hifigo is okay. I wonā€™t buy off aliexpress.

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Penon. If I read that email right when you order $399 TSMR X now with a newsletter code you can get a freebie priced $100-$180.