🐛 Tansio Mirai Discussion and Impressions

Penon is the only one doing scumbag moves like that.


How is this iem compared to EPZ 530?
Anyone experiences with these 2 iems?

@Akros has reviews of both, I’d recommend checking those two videos to get a sense of it. It seems like they’re very different tunings, with 530 more neutral/mid-focused and TSMR X being more V shaped. I’ve never tried the 530 though, so can’t say (would like to try it though).

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is there a way to compare squiglinks of two different contributors? I am looking to compare Tansio Mirai X vs Sound Rhyme DTE500

At squiglink, add /data to the URL.
Example: yoursource1.squig.link/data
Download the iem txt-file of your interest.

Then in squiglink, when having the curve up of the other iem you want to compare with:
Click on “Equalizer”.
Click on “Upload FR”.
Choose your saved txt-file.

And you’re done!
Note that you’re comparing different rigs, so the curves might have deltas that’s not 100% correct.


I understand that caution. However, thank you for the work around. :sweat_smile:

I found Arkos did a good comparison between them, he even showed his squig graphs so could get a clearer picture. He deserves a lot of credit.

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Also @ErKil - Could you both suggest what tips you settled for? If I understand it wide-bore and bit longer tip works the best.

My pair ended up with Divinus Velvets. Just so comfortable and good sounding to my ears😊

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Thank you, is there only one size in those? I have to order from some online store, just confirming . Thanks again

No they come in 5 sizes, so there is a high chance of finding the perfect fit with them😊

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Been a long time coming: I’ve listened to the Tansio Mirai TSMR-X for about two months now. I bought them from Penon for $400 USD. I wanted to answer the question: what can IEMs offer in the same price-class as my much-loved Hifiman Ananda headphones. Spoiler: while I had just been mildly interested in IEMs before, I’m now convinced they can offer exceptional value-for-money in hifi and my savings for new headphones will eventually go towards upgrading to even better IEMs.

The TSMR-X have dual 8mm dynamic drivers (isobaric) for the low-end, four BAs for mids (Knowles) and highs (Sonion), and a tuned vent like 64audio’s APEX modules. The vent contributes to the tuning and prevents pressure build-up in the ear canal. They’re quite efficient at 103 dB/mW and 10 ohms. I found them easy to drive from most sources, though the bass really shines with a bit more power (Quedelix 5k is enough, iPod 5.5 gen leaves a bit to be desired; both Chord Mojo and VE RA2FE+Prime DAC sounded great). Three tuning switches allow meaningful adjustments of the bass shelf, to better suit different preferences or genres. I’ve landed on 011, which is between the “bass” 100 and “balanced” 010 setting, but I use 010 a fair bit also.

The sound is V-shaped with impactful bass and great clarity in the highs. My only gripe with this tuning is that male vocals can sound a bit recessed. However it’s a worthwhile tradeoff for a really satisfying bass reproduction and great detail/technicalities; it offers nice separation in space as well. The V-shaped sound signature also works great for lower-volume listening (most of my listening), maintaining that nice physicality in the bass. The tuning is well suited to pop music and instrumental works. Really though, I’ve been happy with it for my whole library across a wide variety of genres.

The build quality is solid, with translucent shells that look better in person than in the photos. The nozzles are slightly shorter and wider than my previous Letshuoer S12s, making tip selection a bit tricky. I found soft wide bored tips like Moondrop Springtips and TRI Clarion worked well. Once fitted, they’re light and comfortable with a medium shell size.

Since getting them, my Hifiman Ananda headphones have gotten very little listening time. I find the TSMR-X match or exceed them in technicalities, while offering a much more satisfying bass experience that makes it hard to go back to the full sized planar headphones. Of course, full-sized open back headphones still have their advantages, but the convenience and sound quality of the TSMR-X has convinced me to dive into the IEM space for the foreseeable future.


From TSMR’s FB page:

Equipped with 2 tuning knobs.
Yellow one controls low frequency,
Brown one controls high frequency”

Donno about the two-knob design, but I like the purple. Looking forward to hearing a bit more about it!

One thing I liked about the X was that the branding was on the inner face… whelp :laughing:

They could have chosen different colors on the adjustment knobs at least….


Are those O-rings removable or are they glued in? Maybe there’s an O-ring that would work to seal it on the TMX. :thinking:

They are loose on both brands, so in theory you could swap them out for a bigger o-ring, but it would not fit properly in the grooves on the Apex module. Could end up being a problem😅

Looks like the exact same driver config as the TSMR X, but without the APEX-like vent and two BCs! Interesting. A good starting point in my opinion, the X has been great.

(TSMR X here)


I’m interested in this one cause I love my Mext

fingers crossed this one is good for the price they’re asking for it

I never got to own X so I might go for this instead

just found out Penon Fan 3 is releasing with a BC as well for 349 so now I’m gonna have a tough time choosing between the two lol

I hope the cheaper one is better :slight_smile:

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Just a guess based on the Fan 2 and TSMR X, I’d guess that the shock will be a bit more V shaped compared to the Fan 3. And of course it will have the adjustability of the two dials (variable resistors in the crossover, to adjust bass and treble).

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for now I’m chilling

if they’re really really good then I might consider it but for now they’re on permanent backburner