The DEALS thread

Idk if this is considered a deal, but I found some Schiit 6" cables on Amazon with Prime Shipping.


not in Canada…they’re listed for $82!!! >.<

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Oh shoot, I apologize for getting your hopes up.

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I looked because I was curious. take the KPH30i…they’re twice the price on vs .com. ridiculous little things.

I bought a kit of silicon spatula’s from the US for $24 plus $9 for shipping / customs becasue they were $60 on the .ca.

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$20 on Schitt but also like $15 shipping

I know its Drop but holy guacamole this is almost 60% off!! Don’t know if this is a good set though.

Edit: typo! >_<

That price still kinda hurts…

Yeah, 500+ on an IEM it’s to much for me to spend personally. But hey, if you’re in the market for a pair of these or are interested in something in this price bracket, this might be quite a deal.

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Music Teck are having an end of year sale:

Liquid Platinum is $164.99?!


Sold out already :pensive:

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Holy crap. Where was that deal?

Monoprice. Sleepily opened my inbox and found it in a standalone email from them.
I always had in my head, $399 was the sale, $297 was the crazy sale - has it been lower than that before??

lowest I’ve ever seen it, literal insta buy at that price point lol


We’ll see if it actually arrives! :crossed_fingers:


So much good will they good have delivered…
Now, they must be broken.

wow Liquid Platinum for $50 more than liquid spark?

It was a mistake, they are cancelling the orders that were bought at that price, folks are getting an email letting them know that it was a pricing mistake.

haven’t heard of this site from anyone else but they’ve had some crazy deals

Thomann is big in Europe, I’ve gotten plenty of gear from them. They deal mostly in musical equipment.

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