The DEALS thread

Project M at price is so good.

I love Project M, IDK why but that IEM just hooks on to me.

The FiiO FT5 just came up on Apos Certified (refurbished gear that Apos Audio guarantees looks and works like new; free shipping) listings. Exclusive to the US.
I have the FT5, I dearly love this headphone. FiiO successfully made a proper audiophile headphone.
[affiliate link, you support me if you make a purchase, and it’s at no added cost!]

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Aful Explorer is on sale on Amazon and Hifigo for the first time if anyone is interested.

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Aliexpress’ deals for new accounts vary a lot, but one where it’s definitely decent is Penon liqueur eartips. You can buy SML or other sets of 3 pairs for 99 cents which I just did, after checkout still $1.60 or so.

Just takes a new email address, that’s all I’m saying.


iirc, if you do that enough times, they will ban you since you are using the same address.

Right @Kenyon :joy:?


I’m only planning on one more time, BT20Pro for $10.60 or $16.54 with 3 different attachments!

I thought about that, so I can use my work, home, and in-laws as delivery addresses.

Having said that the .78 pins look like they’re only suited to a flush fit, which is the exception not the rule with most of my sets.


ok damn go for it!


the .78 fits about like the xinhs standard connectors with maybe 1/2mm protrusion not “truly” flush but very close

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It seems like a lot of what I have recently uses heavily recessed 2 pin, for example:

(Image not mine)

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Breaks my heart every sale
It’s like they don’t want my money!!!
6 accounts now down to 1 :man_facepalming:

Though customer service told me to just make a new account and do it again… :man_shrugging:
But it’s just frustrating - they let me make the purchase, I am lulled into a false sense of purchase security and then they cancel the orders (usually 1 day after the sale ends). They are toying with me!!! It’s like dealing with shopping VAR - you better never celebrate.


Sick deal. $600


Another STUPID deal…

I wish I had the means to take advantage of this. Someone, jump on this!


That is a nuts deal, bro


Insanely good deal

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It’s not exactly like “DEALS” but more like. Don’t miss your chance to buy a custom Fei Wan with Alvin the Chipmunk graphic on it lol


That is oddly specific and is almost as cursed as the “Kirby with feet” Blessing 2.

I like how the right side has a hat to easily tell them apart.


I’ll be honest, if I had disposable income, I would’ve bought it and gifted it to my friend lol

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Bonus points if their name is actually Alvin!


With Estrella on the way I’m not hunting for hybrids, but if a $200 Canon II sounds like it’s for you, it probably is:

[WTS] [USA-VA] [H] Yanyin Canon II 4.4mm [W]PayPal : AVexchange (