The New iBasso DX300 Max

My DX300 MAX review is finally out: iBasso DX300 MAX - Reviews | Headphone Reviews and Discussion -

If the review wasn’t so complexly formatted, I’d post it here. Headings, tables, custom BBCode… a whole bunch of things.

Either way, the review isn’t complete. At least the sound performance part. I plan to update it. Sound performance aside, I covered as much as I could as accurately as I could.


Nice write up :+1:

I agree with you that despite it’s thickness I think the display is just more easy to use with the bezels, I personally don’t like the trend of bezel-less displays at this point

And good to know on the Samsung chargers, I didn’t have any issues with my lg chargers so I didn’t encounter that, but it seems like it would be pretty irritating

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Thanks M0N!

Oh, the Samsung charger situation was living hell. I’m not the only one who experienced it.

I’m never in a hurry, so a slow charger doesn’t bother me, and besides, it benefits the battery health.

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Finally finished my DX320MAX review. Took a ton of work, but had a lot fun doing it.

Repost from Head-Fi:
For all the curious DX300MAX owners wondering whether the DX320MAX is worth upgrading to, or are just wondering what more it offers in comparison to the DX300MAX, you can now read my DX320MAX review:

The whole review is basically a comparison between the DX320MAX and the DX300MAX, but the ‘sound performance’ section will likely be the most interesting to you all =)

