Tin T2 Tips cleaning

So I’m having a bit of a bad time here. I bought some Tin T2 not that long ago and I liked them… Wasn’t in love with them but they’re very okay, which meant I was using them regular enough for the tips to get a little gross.

Yes yes I know, clean out your earholes before you put them in, but come on guys. We all have a dirty tip from time to time. Unfortunately as anyone who owns a pair knows, the T2 tips are special. They’re like a slightly sticky/tacky foam that just fits really well. However after cleaning them… They’re now just foam foam. Dry as fuck. No more tackyness, no more slow expansion. Just ruined.

So i ordered new sets but… how do I clean them correctly when the next pair gets dirty? Water? Water plus soap? Alcohol? Never clean them? Use superglue? :stuck_out_tongue:

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You should replace foam tips regularly.

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(or switch over to the superior silicone master race side :smirk:)


Yes, this sucks. I like the magic blue tips the T2 comes with, but even with just light intermittent use they degrade and get dirty. I’ve switched over to the Final Audio Type E silicone tips. To me they sound the same, but much easier to maintain. I did have to go up from a Large to X-Large to seal good. Sorry, not really answering your question, other than I gave up on cleaning them :pensive:

You should replace foam tips regularly.

But like… This regularly? This hobby will get me broke for the wrong reason xD

(or switch over to the superior silicone master race side :smirk:)

Yes, this sucks. I like the magic blue tips the T2 comes with, but even with just light intermittent use they degrade and get dirty. I’ve switched over to the Final Audio Type E silicone tips. To me they sound the same, but much easier to maintain. I did have to go up from a Large to X-Large to seal good. Sorry, not really answering your question, other than I gave up on cleaning them

Silicones aren’t that comfy to me. Those foamies gave me a nice warm hug inside my ears. Silicone is like trying to force a dried condom into my ear canal.

Have you tried a lot of different silicone tips? Otherwise foams will keep on draining your money.

You could check out some silicone/foam hybrid tips if silicone really doesnt work for you.

I’ve tried the included silicones.

I do actually like the silicones on my BLON’s a bit more but they don’t seem to fit. is there any difference between ‘included’ silicones and ‘good’ silicones?

Also besides this being a silicone topic now, if anyone reads this and knows how to clean foams please lemme know haha

If all you tried are the stock tips, then no wonder they dont fit you. 90% of all stock tips I have tried dont work for me either.

I suggest that you get these:

Final Audio Type E
Elecom EHP-CAP20
Radius Deep mount
Azla sedna earfit

(all are available on amazon japan.)

Unfortunately none of those seem to be available on amazon de.
Will search if any other place carries them but I don’t have high-hopes… Getting anythign more hifi than HD600s in Belgium is a miracle :stuck_out_tongue:

Thats why I told you they are on amazon japan. Shipping is pretty cheap (around 10 usd) considering that you get dhl express.

I surrendered to the moneypit. I’m sorry silicone lovers :frowning:

where did you get them?

Amazon de
€9,99 for a bag of three. Free shipping if I bought three bags. Fuck it. I loved them and I’ll just use on all my IEM’s I think :stuck_out_tongue:

nice! And do they feel the same as the t2 ones?

They ARE the T2 ones