Curious if anyone’s listened to both and how they would compare stack vs stack
PS. Not sure if this should go in the DAC or AMP category, sorry if wrong one >_<
Curious if anyone’s listened to both and how they would compare stack vs stack
PS. Not sure if this should go in the DAC or AMP category, sorry if wrong one >_<
0 voters
Haha, I appreciate the poll addition. I presume the topping stack is “better” but unsure how much / in which ways.
The THX amps have issues. i used to like it but when i upgraded to the RNHP i was surprised in how good it sounded and it made me re-evaluate the THX’s. Mon prefers 100$ amps to it lol. Topping makes good products and the A90 is the top of the line. i dont think it really fair to compare them.
I think you kind of misrepresenting Mon here. He doesn’t say that he prefers the $100 amps more but that they are close enough to the $300 THX amps that you should save up your money to buy Amps that are closer to a $1,000 to get a real benefit from upgrading.
Nah he actually does prefer $100 amps over the THX amps in general. He’s said it multiple times on this forum in different threads.
I’m not quite familiar with the Mon “lore” (I’ve only recently checked out his YouTube vids) but he seemed to approve of both from what I could tell. Not being able to sort it out is part of why I made the post to begin with (◠‿・)—☆.
Zeos didnt really seem impressed with the M200. I would love to hear the 90’s I wonder how they compare to the RNHP+Bifrost 2
nvm mon did a review and compare here. said it wasnt as good as the RNHP:
M0N’s got a YouTube?
Maybe? I’m quite new to this space so perhaps I’m mixing up people.
Edit : Ooops looks like I mixed up and thought Mon was Zeos… Apologies for newbie mix-up.
Lol in that case Z still loves the THX amps.