Topping dx3 driver install help

Bought one from Amazon warehouse. Windows 10 laptop. Connected via supplied usb. Installed drivers from site. Connect, disconnect, reconnect, power on, power off, reset, you name it. Windows isn’t recognizing the device.

Before I try buying a new cable or processing a return, is there a certain way that I’m supposed to do this that the guide isn’t telling me?

Should the device be connected when installing? Do I need to have it on a certain setting for it to be recognized?

The topping audio device control panel is installed, but I get nothing showing.

Thanks in advance

Possibly obvious but is the DX3 input set to USB?

It was set to usb. Nothing recognized and after like ten seconds of that it just turns off.

Anything like this guy’s video?

This guy had to replace his power brick. If it doesn’t work after a factory reset, then I would seek replacement unless you can test with another power supply.

The power supply it came with was the same deal as in zeos’ video. Didn’t have the US plug, so I bought a 2 amp matching voltage power supply. Bluetooth worked great and the headphone amp was good, but usb was just dead. It was an Amazon warehouse deal for like 150 so I jumped on it. I’m guessing it was jacked from the start and Amazon just didn’t care enough to bother testing it properly.

I had similar experience with a warehouse mx3. Bluetooth was absolutely horrid from less than 6 feet away with no obstructions.

Either way, I sent it back and I’m wary of topping qc.