I’m looking at the SMSL SU-8 da-8s drop like
Is that an upgrade to the topping PA3? It’s running the JBL Studio 530 on my desk.
I would also be replacing my modi3+ with that SU-8. That an upgrade too? I’m interested in going balanced headphones sometime too.
Hi. Well, I can share with you what my experience has been so far as I have just purchased the S-8 stack. The SU-8 DAC and the DA-8S amp. I started out with a Topping MX-3 All-in one going into Neumi BS5 speakers. The MX-3 did a fine job for a desktop deployment, but I feel that this S8 stack is a huge upgrade. The extra power (in my case) just woke everything up. It’s great! This new German amp circuit sounds wonderful.
I can’t speak to the DAC-to-DAC comparison, But I can say that I am very happy with how this setup performs. And you have better speakers than I , so that is exciting for you! The DA-8S does have a few quirks, like the small screen and what some perceive as a clunky volume knob, but these things don’t bother me at all. I think for the price this amp kicks butt!
I hope this helped. Best of luck with your decision process. Obviously there are better amps out there, but for the price this is pretty hard to beat in my opinion.
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Hell yeah that helps. I have the mx3 as well in the other room. It did a competent job on the JBLs. After some testing I’ll probably sell my schiit stack if I go with this set. Thanks for the help here!
Yessir! I am keeping my MX-3 as a separate headphone solution for now because of course the S8 stack does have a headphone component in the SH-8, but that is separate. Right now I am in no great rush to get that final piece (budget constraints!) because the MX-3’s headphone amp sounds really good! I have a CD plyer connected and of course, I can stream with my phone via bluetooth, which sounds pretty killer and comes with the bonus of being able to use the remote to control the “streamer”!
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da-8s purchased from apos saturday afternoon, arrived this morning. magic dhl.
These sound great! Thanks for the rec @Raptor168
Incidentally, killed my drop order because buyers remorse on the su-8 (lack of need atm and need to upgrade to diff headphone amp so i’ll … save money and await a good balanced headphone deal).
Glad that the DA-8S is working for you. Pressure is off now!
I continue to love mine. The one thing you can’t do with the S-8 series is run all three pieces as an integrated solution because there is only one balanced output. If I wanted to I could get an XLR AB switcher like the Nobsound Little Bear and that would solve the problem. And I still might do that. BUT… The S-9 stack is out there… I hear the SU-9 is an even better DAC. So I need to think about it some. My headphone solution is definitely not set in stone.
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