đŸ”¶ Tripowin X HBB Olina

yes battery is the pb with used gear, i use my es100 mostly as a usb dac at my desk + 2h max on battery while biking so still ok for an old battery, otherwise if you are brave enough replace the battery yourself like michael did Radsone ES100 Battery life mod, lets replace that battery! - YouTube, if you are not brave enough buy a $10 external usb battery


[quote=“ttorbic, post:1369, topic:32347”]
kbear07 is a regular bore

Well, there really isn’t any standard metric for when regular becomes wide, or regular becomes narrow. AET has two, 07 and 08, which Kbear has copied, and you could call them regular and narrow, or you could call them wide and narrow. I also use supplied wide bore, and it appears very few use the supplied narrow bore.

That’s exactly why I gave the link and said according to this website. They have bought and compared dozens of eartips and have categorised them as regular bore, so I think that’s more reliable than my own collection. I don’t use supplied tips in case I want to sell the IEMs again, and I also prefer to use my own tips.

Olina #431 , No Lyrics , Missing extra filters (I kinda destroyed the box looking for them) , double filter mod (used the smaller mele filters on top of stock ones since thats all I had ) , Tripowin upgrade cable (I dislike the chin slider , doesn’t stay put and used a keycap o-ring) . CP100+ tips are a no go for me too siblant , reverted to stock deep fit stock tips . Strong sub-bass and extended highs.
Edit: took the Mele filter off the nozzle and put it on the vent , Some Drum hits were sounding odd (too much Thud and not enough Twomp, like adding one too many socks in your Kick Drum.


I wonder why people mostly prefer LDAC over Aptx-HD 
 aren’t they both hi res codecs?

LDAC has maximum bitrate of 909kbps which is almost twice of what aptX is capable of 576kbps (bitrate meaning amount of data transferred). LDAC is almost capable of full CD format transfer (~1300kbps). That said IMO the difference is really for trained ear only especially on the go, where those BT dongles are used mostly.

I may not have the perfect hearing sense for sure, but I did myself A/B comparison aptX adaptive vs LDAC and could not tell the difference being great enough to justify the hassle I had to manually switch from aptX to LDAC in my android phone settings everytime the Q5k is connected (I have this problem, which several people described on Qudelix forum).


Small correction, both LDAC and AptX/HD max bitrates depend on the sample rate and you’re comparing the LDAC max for 44.1 to the aptX HD max for 48.

LDAC is 909kbps at 44.1kHz or 88.2kHz, 990 at 48 or 96kHz. AptX HD is 529kbps at 44.kHz, 576 at 48kHz, doesn’t do higher sample rates.

LDAC is “HD” in that it will do 88.2/96kHz as well as 24 bits. AptX HD is only HD in reference to the 24-bit bit depth, but I’m not sure that is really that relevant given the codec is in measurements far noisier even than regular lossless 16-bit. LDAC by contrast can actually produce better than CD noise measurements in 24 bit mode.

I don’t personally think “HD” is really needed or beneficial in the first place, and I lock my Qudelix 5K to 44.1 for LDAC. But LDAC does have substantially more bits and does seem technically better than aptX HD. That doesn’t mean I’d expect to be able to actually hear the difference, but I will use LDAC in preference when I have the opportunity. I do have other stuff that is either AptX HD or AptX Adaptive, and it does also sound fine, subjectively.


Quite old take on LDAC in real world as compared to Sony claims

My phone (which is last year"s so called flagship on Snapdragon 888) is not able to keep stable connection above 900kbps

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what i wonder is why do BT pipeline have to decode high efficient lossy codec (most commonly used codecs such as mp3, AAC, opus 251 must represent 90% of music streamed i guess ) and reencode in real time in a lower efficient BT codec at the BT emitter (hence the need for higher bitrates to avoid too much loss), why not transport orginal high effecient lossy codec in the digital wireless stream and decode it at the BT receiver level ? it is a waste of compute power at the BT emitter level and a loss in quality, the only explanation i can come up with is that BT codec being less efficient are simpler to decode, thus less compute heavy at the BT decoder level thus saving battery life for tws that have physical battery size constraints, but that’s not even sure as higher bitrates requires more power at the wireless emission/reception level and adds more frequent error corrections that also use more battery.

is the one tanya filter mod improving the water condensation problem ? if we could find a filter that sounds good and that is water friendly it would be a perfect fix for these 2 olina quirks - by the way could we use a water repellant spray to waterproof clothes on filters ? would it clog them for air waves ? has someone tried ?

Jeffrey Fries used Tanya filters and wide bore tips and said the condensation problem was mostly resolved (Facebook). This was a while ago though, and I don’t know if he’s had more issues since the post.

A water repellent spray could, in theory, reduce the likelihood of water condensing onto the filters and also lightly repel water that condenses onto the metal nozzle instead of directly on the filter. That being said, most repellent sprays use a solvent which may adversely interact with the adhesive - if anyone is to try this, I’d make sure to spray from the recommended distance while the filters are still adhered onto the plastic strip.

Since we’re talking about filters, I’ve attached a photo of Oxygen (same as Tanya; blue strip) vs Olina (clear strip).


thanks, does someone has a link to share where we can buy these tanya filters ?

Spare Olina arrived, bonus as didn’t expect to get a card - Sympathy :call_me_hand: @nymz (this set staying boxed).


The filter is $22 at amazon or $24 at shenzenaudio and you get the Tanchjim Tanya IEM as a bonus :laughing: Jokes aside. I think it’s worth getting the IEM.

Edit : correction for price at shenzen audio. $24 is the mic version. non-mic version is the same price.


Updated @saltire @Dandrac :call_me_hand:


I wonder if any team will complete the challenge

Still waiting on instructions for the blank card holders :crossed_fingers:


It’s going to take some time I think, always the risk that some folk don’t realise what the card is for and just bin it though. Part of the fun. Maybe @hawaiibadboy can give us a sneaky heads-up if all the 500 have now gone? Thinking not though if my second one came with a card, unless Linsoul didn’t understand how this was meant to work :laughing:

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Right, as far as I know, buying a Tanya is the only method right now. For a short while, after Tanya was released, Penon was selling them separately and was asked to remove the item.

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not so much gone, as received I would think. A card in transit has no value to the game.

Can anyone confirm whether the Oxygen filter is the same as the Tanya filter?

for “Oxygen spare filter” – https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003832524715.html?_randl_currency=USD&_randl_shipto=US&src=google&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=631-313-3945&slnk=&plac=&mtctp=&albbt=Google_7_shopping&albagn=888888&isSmbActive=false&isSmbAutoCall=false&needSmbHouyi=false&albcp=15223999353&albag=127961745565&trgt=470776188689&crea=en1005003832524715&netw=u&device=c&albpg=470776188689&albpd=en1005003832524715&gclid=Cj0KCQjwz7uRBhDRARIsAFqjullRsuCM4KKtlAwmhSxcsxHhHsPjVxQu73LhoB8jug6GXEJZGr4ht4EaAuOOEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds&aff_fcid=fa8e46c1d2c3470199d660a3dacfb901-1647273518333-07695-UneMJZVf&aff_fsk=UneMJZVf&aff_platform=aaf&sk=UneMJZVf&aff_trace_key=fa8e46c1d2c3470199d660a3dacfb901-1647273518333-07695-UneMJZVf&terminal_id=ae3cd7c98c5d4fb8b9e0fdb68a8a71e0&afSmartRedirect=y