the 500 mesh is pretty close to the Tanchjim filters.
Unclear if these are all identical? If not, which to choose?
Thank you, which width do you purchase, 4mm, 4.2, or 4.5?
I just measured my Olina and would recommend 4.5mm.
I got the 4.5mm version.
Thanks Michael Bruce, you did it again. I kept the new mod from you. Replaces the Olina filters with Tanya Filters. What is the difference I feel between the Double Olina FIlters vs Tanya Filter (Not double).
Both uses:
- Cable : Stock
Eartips : Medium Narrow Bore Tanya Eartips (Best sound for me)
*Double Olina Filters
More Bass, but slightly congested, blocking the Airy sound and reverb vocals and instruments. The sound is like being in a music studio with dampening foam on the walls. But still good instrument separation and layering. Definitely more natural vocals and more tame treble than single filters. But always condensation occurs when using wide bore eartips.
*Tanya Filters vs Olina Filters (not double)
More slam and slightly thicker Bass, thicker note weight and more natural, less shouty vocals and instruments, slightly more tame treble, but both provide an airy and reverb effect to the sound.
*Tanya Filters vs Double Olina Filters
Less bass quantity but same slam, same punchy instruments, definitely more airy, reverb vocals and instruments are presents to give more richer like in the hall. Instrument separation is clearer. Vocals and instruments are both natural and less shouty, but with Tanya Filters, vocals and instruments are more open and cleaner than the double filter. No condensation occurs when I use wide bore eartips.
My experience may not be the same as that of others who have tried the Tanya Filter on their Olina. Thank you
anywhere to get different filters that isn’t 1-2 months shipping? (only thing I found on amazon that was the correct size was steel filters for earbuds)
It depends on luck. The package was light and I got some 4 mm 500 mesh filters (for something else) in 14 days (to Canuckistan). I have had some stuff that I have been waiting for over two months and the tracking ends after it gets picked up by local shipping: stolen, fell off a conveyor belt, or underneath some dude’s truck seat: who knows. You either order Tanchjim Tanya or 4.5 mm 500 mesh filters. I hope Tripowin starts selling replacements as well, but 500 mesh works for me.
Has anyone tried DUAL TANCHJIM FILTERS!?
Anyone know which of this is the same resistance as the normal filters? I just want a solution to the condensation issue
Replacing your filter, I also experienced the same thing with the Olina filter. I have to clean the water vapor that is in the nozzle every time, it’s really inconvenient. After I replaced it with Tanya Filter, the condensation problem was gone. There’s may remain a bit when using Wide Bore Eartips, but not as bad as before. With dual filter mode, you should use Wide Bore Eartips for better instruments separation. But with a single filter, using the narrow bore is better for me, and there is no condensation at all. Especially after replacing the OG filter with Tanya filter. problem is gone. Sound more comfortable than the OG filters.
anyone tried metal mesh ? I wonder how it’ll sound…
no clue, dont have the Olina
it’s sad that condensation issues are not that uncommon with Olina
They are over 2k sales. Probably 3/4 have arrived. The cards were supposed to go out in order since the early buyers would be more likely to participate.
Only 2 of the 6 Gold cards have even been posted. A lot of buyers have no idea about Hifiguides or headfi or it’s a language thing.
That’s very disappointing… I hope it’s just a matter of time. I was order #30(-ish) and I just received mine yesterday. Maybe they are still coming in. Going to take a photo and post my card now!
Thanks for the info! Btw I don’t think the cards were sent out in order of purchase. Or maybe they were, but then put into lumps for various countries. I got a number in the 400s, and I placed my order wayy earlier than some folks who got 100s.
Today’s placebo or the one that will destroy your driver, the FunOxygen. Full clear tape is too much, but try something porous like micropore tape or that Olina filter you pulled off the nozzle and put it over the front vent (the one at the base of the nozzle) for more fun.
Unintended side effect, better BL03
It finally arrived! Had a listening session last night and I am super impressed. More bass than I was expecting but the bass is super clean, and the soundstage is great.
Thanks HBB for this awesome set and introduction into IEMs (my only ever experience before was with the included AKGs with Samsung phones haha). For years I’ve just been into over-ear headphones, with my daily drivers being the HD650s. I’ve been just lurking and watching reviews of IEMs for a while but never pulled the trigger, until now. I guess here is where my journey begins.
I was thinking this. I’m team front vent mod so Tanya filter on the vent should be nice!