Trying to find the perfect IEM’s under $550ish, is it possible?

The 07M is a more technical version (detail, imaging, 3D, soundstage) of the SA6 and Oracle. If I were to rank them it’d be 07M–>SA6–>Oracle. Similar tuning on all three but the 07M has better bass and the most natural timbre based on my memory. I’d get the 07M.


That is exactly what I would write. With EJ07m, I don’t understand why anyone will turn to the other two IEMs. According to some, the Mon MK2 is only a step forward from 07m, that speaks for itself!

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I am so interested to see what everyone’s reaction is to the kinda lava compared to the ejo7m with the HBB tuning. Depending on what the reception is, I’ll end up doing one of those. I actually grabbed an Olina to hold me over in the meantime. I’m also very interested in the Hekili, but I was told the Shuoer is a definite step up.

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Ayyyyy let’s go!!!


Lol this guy it’s hilarious , he talks about iem’s he never tried , and we suppose to take him serios :see_no_evil: