šŸ”¶ Unique Melody 3D Terminator

I speak directly to XINHS and get rates directly from the company because I usually buy larger quantities of cables and custom made cables from time to time. They usually give you good deals on the price as well. So much so I ask to tip him to thank him for his work and time. Incredibly nice guy to deal with and does very fast/incredible work. Iā€™m always very impressed.

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Hearing is believing :wink:

I would be surprised if you did not find a difference in say a pure silver cable vs a pure copper cable on your MEST.

It should be sensitive and resolving enough to pick up on it.


Are you using this cable on Timeless? It doesnā€™t tame treble too much? Does it do any staging improvement?

Or just EQ it instead šŸ¤· cheaper

I am quite treble sensitive, yet I still love the treble on the 3DT. It just so happens to be my favorite part of this IEM. I hope that should tell anyone that the treble on the 3DT is different/special.

It is a bit hot as I mentioned earlier and wouldnā€™t mind it tamed slightly, but I wouldnā€™t at the cost of its quality.

@Rikudou_Goku suggested trying the filters I linked so maybe theyā€™ll do the trick. If not, itā€™s not a big deal because I already very much enjoy the 3DT in stock form. I feel it is one of the best IEMs I own especially for the metal genre.


27 posts were merged into an existing topic: No Serious Business - IEM Edition

Do you consider the DQ6 to be baby 3DT, if you have had enough quality time to compare ?
And can you bear DQ6 treble peaks (especially the 5k) as well as you stand the 3DT treble ?
I mean, DQ6 are great for metal as you said but they really gave me pain on a few occasions, before EQing down 5k or foam-modding them. So I am scared by 3DT FR.

Iā€™d steer clear of the 3DT then. Itā€™s more aggressive than the DQ6 in every way.


Alright, thank you.

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Interested in hearing the results of your testing these filters as a mod :+1:

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Just giving these some love because I think they deserve it :grin:. Have lived with these for some time now, and may as well stick my rambling thoughts up. But - Iā€™m no reviewer so @TkSilver 's post šŸ”¶ Unique Melody 3D Terminator - #2 by TkSilver is what you should read if youā€™re interested in the 3DT :+1:. Plus I wouldnā€™t say my ears are the best either (age and riding motorbikes [with earplugs] most of my life does that :man_shrugging:).

First off, yep the shells are big but as Iā€™ve said further up somewhere they fit me fine. I spent a long time tip rolling with these, but ended up back with the stock large tips. Anything else I tried either didnā€™t give me a proper seal, or major suction issues that felt like my brain was being sucked out my ears. Stock tips are comfortable to have these in my ears for hours with no issues now though, could just be Iā€™ve got fitting them in my ears down just right. Donā€™t get much, if any, driver flex either.

Stock cable got swapped straight away for a Xinhs 4-core graphene.

Listening done on M3X DAP and mix of local flac library plus Amazon HD streaming - library is probably 85% metal/rock, with mix of other stuff I like from Anastacia through to Wu-Tang Clan. For me, I reckon these are my end game for metal. Apart from the speed of the DD configuration I think what strikes me most is the clarity - I donā€™t think Iā€™ve heard Slayerā€™s Reign In Blood with this level of clarity before, and they have no problem keeping up with the pace of Dave Lombardoā€™s double kicks. For me they seem to bring the right kind of energy and bite that metal needs, but without sounding too harsh. I did try some O2 filters but felt they blunted the attack just a bit too much so the 3DTs are staying naked (managed to break part of the metal grill in the nozzle on one of them taking filter out, but still sounds fine so donā€™t think any bits fell in to the body :man_facepalming:).

I donā€™t know if itā€™s because of the all DD config but how drums, bass, guitars, vocals are all brought together but can still be picked out sounds very, very good to me. No problem with the level of ā€˜slamā€™ these bring either when needed.

Currently on repeat listening to Employed to Serveā€™s Conquering - tracks like Twist the Blade and Stand Alone sound sooo good.


Well, decided to get 3dt. And it is another driver flex IEM. But this one, tips are really struggling to solve it (unlike the tea). Xelastec size small has been the best I can do. And I rarely use anything under a medium tip usually with large or xl being common. cp100+ in medium still has some pressure (tips that solved it for tea)

Final e second smallest also seem to be ok. But adjustment and pressure is still problematic.

Outside of foam, which I hate, any magic tips?

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Try opening up the ear canal before inserting by pulling the ear up by the top of the ear, sometimes opening your mouth also helps some.

This may alleviate the pressure and thus the driver flex.

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I can get them to work with various strategies. But itā€™s always a fiddling thing. And if I have to adjust them for any reason, its a redo.

With the tea I found a tip that allowed me to push in normally, and would just seal/pressurize as I was hitting the correct position. Then it would feel normal.

Hoping to find the same with the 3dt eventually. It seems to require much smaller tips to make this happen.

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Is there anyone whoā€™s heard the 3DT and the EJ07M who can compare them?

Looking for my peak Metal iem.

@TkSilver has them both.

@Dynamic yeah, tips are difficult to get right for these. I bounced between S,M,L for cp100 and cp145 but suction was a major issue with spinfits for me. Seal is good with the stock large but takes a bit of fiddling to get right. Iā€™m going to try AzlaSednaEarfitSoft Short (or whatever the hell they are called, lol) but not found anywhere to get them in UK at sensible price yet - only thing Iā€™ve found that looks similar dimensions to the stock tips and with a wide enough bore to fit the 3DT nozzles :man_shrugging:

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I have sedna earfit in most variations and sizes (crystal, long, light, normal etc). As well as most spinfits and spiral dots. Unfortunately, all of them generated pressure. I donā€™t have smaller spinfits yet, and the medium cp145 and medium cp100+ are definitely the best so far. But both require a very light and sensitive insertion and generally leave a small amount of pressure. (mostly tolerable for me, but it will depend on the day).

Due to this, I am having a hard time directly comparing them. But they are doing something unique vs the fdx1 and oxygen. They are definitely the biggest ā€œrisk takerā€ of the group.

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Interesting the sednas didnā€™t work - Iā€™ll have to try them anyway. Same in that i found M 145 about the best but still had some pressure and got uncomfortable after a couple of hours listening. At risk of stating the obvious assume you tried the stock tips.

I did not. For reasons. I may eventually. Actually, I think I tried the ones that came on the unit, but had so much flex I moved to mine. I usually use my own cable and tips first. That way if I sell the unit, I can give ā€œuntouchedā€ stock tips.

Also, just to state something semi-related. The oxygen tips came covered in something. Like dust or cardboard crumbs or samething. Didnā€™t use those either.