Unique Melody Mest

I use my Cayin tube amp for my Mest MKII and they love it. I do have a nice chain for it, but they really show what they can with right gear to support it.

Innuos Zen mini with LPSU MK3 → Ares II DAC → Cayin CS55A Tube amp with PSvane tubes → Mest MKII

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If you want a custom cable, then Lunashops can help you. I had the same issue, so they made 2 custom 1m cables for me in cobber with a 6.35mm male in one end and a 6.35mm female in the other.
It is super nice to have that extra length of cable on the desk.


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Unfortunately, I can’t use any IEMs these days due to an inner-ear infection so I can’t say anything about them, and yes me too. I have the P1s and I love them for their impressive clarity , separation, and details. I just need a little more bass so I am hoping the 7hz timeless will give me that.

You can find some impressions, and thoughts on this thread:
@Resolution did a fantastic job for sharing his first impressions on them.

I do see it a fantastic deal tbh.

I’ve been keeping an eye on it for a long time(1 Year) , waiting for a good deal, as the regular price is really high.


Ouch… I hope it is over soon!
And yes, the P1 is a great IEM for the price, but who took the bass out?

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@Godria been thinking about you. How are you doing/feeling.


Yeah, i hope so… thanks!

Yes, as what you said for the price they are great.

Lol, probably you!
giphy (8)

The bass is there, but not to my liking.

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yeah, bass is gone on the P1…thankfully it seems the Timeless doesnt have that problem.

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Yes yes yes

giphy (9)

Doing great great not bad at all.

Thank you for asking :blossom:


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For some people actually they like them like that, but not me.

Lucky them.

Stock has anemic bass to me and also way too much upper-treble.

I agree. I am the same.



giphy (10)

Is that the iFi GO Blu :eyes:?

Yup! Great pairing.



Interesting. Maybe they can make 1m long 2.5mm female to 4.4mm male? That would be perfect. I will ask them.

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Just open a chat they should be able to make most common cable configs :+1:

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Thank you! It is quite lovely.

I was wondering what’s the downside of connecting Mest MK2 to android phone via some 100$-ish dongle like Hidizs S9 pro.
Share any thoughts?

…What? Wdym I don’t understand, you’re comparing two products that does the same thing.