Upcoming 660s V2?

I think I may actually want a warmer sound for this particular pair. They’ll probably be handed down to my son who loves EDM.

hd650 then would be the warmer more relaxed pair. But if you use them for edm, the 660 or 58x might be better

I would guess that they might have added the v2 to the wrong product by accident. Must have misunderstood which was getting a new revision. It would be very unlike senn to add a v2 to anything imo

Actually, ho le crap. That is a different headband in their pictures. They have the LR nubs on the side instead of the front of the headband

Another source, this one has it in stock.

Notice how the left side bumps are in different places? Top is regular 660

My 660 looks like the top

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Yeah. The coming soon thing is probably an error on their website, that’s definitely happened before. I just need to call ahead to make sure.

That seems like the most minor ergonomic change ever. Could have been done for accessibility reasons.

They haven’t had them available on Best Buy’s website for some time either.

Yeah, so I would say you are safe with any 660 lol. They said everything else was the same. Think its because that your thumb might more commonly rest there first

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Has there ever been a Sennheiser headphone that kept its name even after it was significantly modified/returned? IIRC the brands that like to change a product significantly while keeping the name are Hifiman and Audeze.

Yeah. Sennheiser has either changed a number or added an s lol

strange - so now I have to sell my 660s V1 asap

Hopefully that price reflects the Canadian dollar instead of USD because otherwise that’s hella overpriced… I got a 660s used for $250 a few weeks ago and it was ok, you could really tell the limitations of the driver vs the old 300ohm hd580(non drop) and hd650.

They’re doing the same thing it looks like with the HD600. New colorway for that and I think they moved production from Ireland to Romania or smth like that

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Yeah it reflects Canadian pricing. Everything costs about 25-30 percent more up here. About 650 or so.
The 800 dollar price tag is from third party sellers on Amazon doing price gouging.

Ah, that would make sense. Huh, well that’s strange

How does the 650 compare to the 660s in terms of imaging? I was considering the 660s for its imaging capabilities.

I don’t know how they are for imaging…but everything out there says the 660s are better than the rest. check out some written reviews and read the notes on imaging between the two?

The 660 has better imagining and soundstage then the 650

This is a reviewer I trust, he can be quite negative about everything but he gives better information than any other YouTuber I’ve watched

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