Upgrade from tin p1

Don’t get me wrong, i absolutely love my p1s and I’ll replace them with another pair the second they give up on me. I just want to improve on what’s already there. The midrange is what i love about the p1s especially women’s vocals. The bass is balanced and detailed and i don’t mind the narrow stage. My only problem is with the highs. They sound subdued and pushed back if that makes sense. So what im looking for is a pair of iems with the same detailed and focused midrange but with highs that are just as detailed and engaging.
For power i have a btr5 and hip dac.

I tried many and only campfire audio Ara managed to get me satisfied with its fast and detailed midrange.

All iems I owned or tried in the range of 100-1000£ would always lack that mids for me…
Even andromeda or monarchs, they just lacked in that “speed”.
Don’t get me wrong, there’s plenty of better iems in terms of bass or tonality, even for 200£…But if you hooked to p1s for the reasons I was… It’s a really tough journey to find something

That’s really a testament to how good the p1s are at what they do, for the people who are into the sound.
Im not concerned with bass at all with the new set, i have oh10s for that and they are great for that purpose. The campfires look like they’re right up my alley. I just want some more opinions before i spend that much on a pair of iems. But dang they are tempting

What tips are you using with your P1’s? you could try a wide bore tip like Spiral Dot’s this should enhance the upper frequency register with a slight negative pay off in the bass department (X-Bass on the Hip Dac though?)

Im using a pair of tips that came with my zs10 pros. Thats just what fit the best out of what i have. Ill grab a pair of the ones you suggested, thanks

Defo worth a shot as that would be a quick/cheap upgrade and having a pair of spiral dot’s to hand is never a bad thing for an IEM enthusiast :+1:

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I still may pick up something else similar in sound. I might have a problem…

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If you like the P1 and I do It’s a tough act to trump tbh the og Andro’s do great mid’s and an ethereal/shimmering treble which is awesome with female vocals, Kate Bush, Amber Rubarth, Aurora, Beth Orton and Stevie Nicks etc :+1:

OG Andro’s , Spiral’s and Aurora :ok_hand:


Are those the andromeda classic edition?

The first edition :+1:

I upgraded from the Tin P1 to the Dethonray Tender 1 Planar, I really like it!

I probably will never listen to the P1 again…I think it’s that good to me. And the P1 is my favorite iem.

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Looks like your call has been answered.



looks interesting but also looks like it might have the same fit issues :man_shrugging:

Same shell, just a different driver it seems.

Personally, after hearing the hifiman sundara and the tri I3 pro. I am starting to dislike the p1, doesn’t sound like a planar…

Then I’m out :disappointed:

That’s judging by the picture though.

Really?..each to their own I guess…

404 not found: guess my fridge rumbles more than that

After about a 150 hours of burn in…that graph will change? I know the sound has changed…just like the P1 did.