Hello people, as the title suggests, I am curious about some headphone and IEM upgrades I should consider. To make the recommendations feel less cluttered, I will organize a pathway based on the headphone’s/IEM’s driver. If a tier starts with ???, then that is a free space for a recommendation. If you see a emoji, that means I am satisfied with what I’ve bought, and have no plans to go beyond (I hope).
Insofar, my choice of gear lean on the warmer side because of my treble sensitivity. I am open to anything as long as it can be fixed with physical modifications. However, I don’t know, nor do I want to dabble with EQ’s to adjust my gear.
All IEMs I own are paired with Dekoni Tips, because of all things, my ears fidget and wiggle when my neurons are activated & stimulated (thank you, ADHD). Because of this wiggling, stock silicone ear tips will tickle my ears, and this causes me great discomfort. However, I’m open to trying out aftermarket silicon tips, so long as they offer any benefits.
My goal for this post is to get a rough idea on any solid upgrades, or a solid first step in uncharted territory. Also, this will help me because I get paralyzed with indecisiveness from too many options. For example, I don’t know if I should get the vanilla T50RPs and eventually shoot for the Argon conversion. Or I could just get the Dekoni Blues and be done with it. Or perhaps I should get the vanilla T50RPs, get Dekoni pads, and then get the Argon conversion… But what if there’s a headphone out there that can expedite all of that effort…? And the worst part is, I will spend a good 2-3 hours fidgeting on my phone, because I am adding and removing stuff in my Amazon Wish List.
My budget caps at $350, and my current setup is the JDS Labs EL II Amp + Schiit Modius.
Closed-Back DD: Yamaha HPH-MT5 + Dekoni Choice (Treble Reduction) ???
Open-Back DD: Koss KPH30i Sennheiser HD 6XX (Comfort Upgrade)
Planar Open-Back: ???
Planar Closed-Back: ???
Single DD: BLON-BL03 = Tripowin TC01 (the Tripowins are more comfortable, but as a trade-off, women sound screechy outside of music) ???
Hybrid: ???
Planar: Tin P1