Very basic recording studio speaker set-up question

There’s no great push for frequency response accuracy in the headphone community. But I happen to be in the minority that wants this. Or course, slight problem – there is no such thing. I well and truly get that. But as some sort of starting point or reference point I am still interested.

The conventional wisdom seems to be that accurate headphones should play back music to sound like a flat pair of loudspeakers (presumably 2.1) in a well-treated room. I know next to nothing about loudspeakers, so when I try to find out what a well-treated room does to a flat FR I’m quickly in over my head. The most common target seems to be 1 dB of room gain per octave over 10 octaves. Which would look like this:

Apparently, several forum members are familiar with the recording studio scene. Do you feel this is anything like a good approximation of what the room gain of a hypothetical average/typical recording studio 2-channel set-up would look like? Or at least a good approximation of the home playback environment they’re trying to target? If not, what would that be?

(I’m assuming room gain is the relevant aspect of “well-treated room” for FR. If not, please correct.)

buy anything called a ‘monitor’. :wink:




Is that an Asian water monitor?

Actually, the word monitor points to a real problem with my question. As I understand it, most recording studios work primarily off near-field, not far-field(?). So perhaps I should leave recording studio set-ups out of the question and just concentrate on what is the typical home environment room gain that is being targeted.

…Yep lol…

I would say a fair amount of higher end recording studios use midfield or far field monitors if they are pretty serious. I would say most studios built as a studio have midfield arrangements with far field depending on the speaker

Seems to be on a lawn, so presumably your family pet?

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Also a common thing is to have your main monitors in midfield or far field and have a pair of lesser smaller nearfields that you can switch to

I personally am still deciding if I want to implement a smaller set of monitors in nearfield besides my main midfields (the room is still in the design process right now)

No lol…I was just pointing out the possible confusion regarding MARZIPAN’s reply :smile:


At some point I would think they would want to hear what a mix sounds like in a mythical typical home 2-channel or 2.1 system. This would involve the in-home speaker sound being modified by room acoustics. So what would that total in-home speakers + room FR look like?

I have no idea, and that is why I am having someone design the studio for me lol. They are much more familiar then I lol. I don’t think there is really a typical fr graph or anything you could look at that would be helpful imo