Vintage Audio-Technicas, worth the plunge?

A local vintage HiFi dealer is listing a pair of Audio-Technica ATH-4 -headphones. This is a 30 year old model and I can not find any info about this pair. Even searching the japanese information turns nothing out.

Have any of you encountered these and should I go and get these? Or at least audition? I doubt they’ll appreciate a return.

Pics with listing here: Audio-Technica ATH-4 – Classic Audio (I am not affiliated with them, but I live a 5 minute walk away from them)

For the most part, vintage headphones really aren’t worth it. And the ones that really made a splash in the past, DT880, MDR-V6, HD600 are still around in their most recent evolutions.

Maybe for nostalgia purposes, but like older headphones that aren’t current legends really don’t hold up.

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Vintage speakers yes. Most vintage headphones I wouldn’t recommend.

Save that energy for the second hand Speaker dumpster diving. Because the rewards for getting vintage speaker gear are huge