Anybody use the Wavelet app? It’s an equalizer that has preset tuning for various headphone models. I have played with it and it works pretty well.
With my ath-ad700x, it makes the sound more full and rounded without losing the neutral quality o ftje sound. Curious to hear more opinions.
I tried Wavelet and Poweramp EQ and both knock down gain by ~20dB making for a scary dangerous loud situation if you turn off the EQ before reducing volume. WTF?
In both cases the preamp was set to zero so I don’t understand why they’re making so much headroom and not letting the user know. Seems dangerous.
I only want to have a basic EQ or parametric is fine too to make minor tweaks from time to time. I don’t care about AutoEQ nonsense etc.
I have a iBasso DX180 and I find it’s fantastic. Still on the hunt for a solid EQ app for Android 13.
Neutron has PEQ built in if poweramp doesnt work well for you.
That preamp thing, I guess they default to that since most people dont know you need a negative preamp if you have any boosting filters. Although it is damn dangerous as you said…
Thanks. I rarely play local files, only stream through native Qobuz app, along with a number of ‘radio’ apps like Radio Paradise.
Qobuz is recognized by Poweramp EQ without root access but unless I can defeat the extreme headroom setting it’s untenable. I’ll try it again and see if it’s user configurable. Seems safer for the uninitiated to allow them to create a bit of distortion vs. blow out their ear drums or drivers.
I wish we could combine Hiby systemwide EQ with iBasso hardware.
Thanks, yeah I tried that one too but it only works with Qobuz and local files. Poweramp EQ can do what I want with the apps I want, just need to figure out this drastic preamp setup.
I believe those are only http streams. I really enjoy the Radio Paradise app. It allows skipping and ranking to build a ‘favorites’ list. I probably use it for 90% listening and jump over to Qobuz if I want to listen to the full album or save for later playback on speaker system via Roon.
Edit: It’s not worth the risk and the iBasso seems to not be supported by the app to fully enable it…lots of system tweaks to allow it to work.
The last option I have would be to use the Fiio JA11 dongle which has PEQ via either the android app or the webapp (saves to memory).
I’ve had a Qudelix 5K for years but got a DAP to leave my phone/dongles behind and focus on the music. DX180 is quite a sonic step above the 5K amp section too.
I guess the Wild West we call Android is tough for manufacturers to figure out a stable system-wide EQ…or iBasso would have one. Hiby’s works very well but the two I tried, R4 and R6 III 2025 were warm which I didn’t mind but the stage and separation and resolution were badly lacking compared to the DX180.
I do have HibyMusic installed but it’s like UAPP, only supports local and Tidal/Qobuz for EQ/PEQ.
I don’t experience this with Wavelet. I can easily turn on and off the EQ to compare the sound with a variation in the volume.
Check your app settings or maybe your phone audio settings (especially Samsung do all kind of weird software stuff)
Ah thanks. Wavelet works in Legacy mode. I didn’t try that the first time. I have a iBasso DX180.
After a week of solid use of Wavelet I paid for the unrestricted version. Less for the additional functionality rather to support such excellent programming work!
AutoEQ and the GEQ work perfectly. Zero crashes or other issues processing audio from all the apps I use. Legacy mode was the key with iBasso.
Highly recommended
I’ve been ‘experimenting’ with 20-25% Virtualizer. It’s hard to nail down what it’s doing but for some tracks I absolutely like it
It’s more than just a wider stage. The central image is spread in a more holographic way but manages to do so without making any central vocal unstable.
Curious as to the psychoacoustics involved. Wavelet’s author is definitely in the less is more philosophical camp, as am I. He seems to play in the <10% change even at the max/strong settings. Dialing in precisely what you prefer is amazing. Those looking for +5dB changes need to look elsewhere…
turn on, tune in, drop out