What are some affordable closed headphones that sound like open headphones?

by affordable I mean headphones that are less than $1000. at this time, the only closed headphones that I tried and didn’t know where closed until well after listening to them are the Focal Stellia. alas, those aren’t exactly affordable, but perhaps there are some out there that do excel at this.

Focal elegia, the zmf closed backs, the aeon 2 closed come to mind

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anything in at lower prices?

I mean there are some other great closed backs but not many that sound like open backs per se

okay, how about closed with really wide soundstage, so you don’t get that claustrophobic feeling?

The 177x go, t5p mk2, mdr-z7, the aforementioned ones, argon mk3 come to mind

anything else, if you push the budget lower?

The dt770 250 ohm or Nighthawks are pretty wide (but the Hawks do leak some sound but still isolate fairly well). I’m many citing wide closed backs

Yeah I was going to say the 770 250 ohm as well. The Nighthawk leak too much for this definition imo.
Is the Dekoni Blue considered wide? Semi-open though I guess.

I guess they are wider, but not that wide imo

Are the CAL narrow or wide?

Average, not something I would consider wide

Well then I think it kind of comes down to the 770 250 ohm then huh?