What are the best small iems like the Senheiser ie200?

Hello everyone, I have been looking to get some iems but my ears are quite small and earphones usually fall out. I loooked into the Moondrop x Crinacle Dusk but they looked quite large. I then found the Senheiser ie200 but they seem to not have a great sound. I listen to mainly hip hop and jazz and like to have a fun sound with a bit of bass. I would like to spend up to 400 euros. What is the best iems I can get?

Just keep it troll free this time isaaquitas and your previous to that name which evades at the momentā€¦the moment I thing youā€™re taking the piss youā€™re gone and IP address blockedā€¦:eyes: on.

I dont understand what you mean. What about my previous name and my IP adress?

As I said :eyes:ā€™s on you it was just a friendly warningā€¦weā€™ll see how things progress.

Ok, could you please explain if I did anything wrong. I am new to this forum and donā€™t understand if I asked this question in the wrong place. My last account stopped working for some reason so I just created this one.

I removed it as it was getting very troll like (very similar trolling technique used by a previous member) so welcome to HFGF if Iā€™m wrong then I apologise :pray: please donā€™t let me regret that apology.

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Oh ok that fine. I am sorry if it seems like I am trying to annoy people.

If youā€™re prepared to wait a bit HBBā€™s new colab has a small shell with plenty of bassā€¦


The best Iā€™ve heard in a small size is the Sennheiser IE600. The Moondrop Chu 2 is the value for money winner and I have those also. Theyā€™re compact in size and I use mediums but think the small ones would fit anyone with small ears. Get a black replacement cable and itā€™s a cool stealthy look. The price and sound combination canā€™t be beat.
The IE200 lacks chambers compared to the IE600 so itā€™s just well rounded tuning and very accurate imaging. After having the Chu 2 I wouldnā€™t spend the difference on them again. Diminishing rate of return just gets too much on IEMs. Plus when I travel itā€™s not stressful if they got lost or broken.


depending on how your ear is ā€˜smallā€™ā€¦as in the outer ear or the ear canal, that would affect what IEMā€™s to consider. that said, some that are good for tight ear canals, like me, may find the Etymotic ER series would work. the ER2 is entry, 3 is mid-range and 4 the top end. SR are more neutral / natural sounding while the XR has more bass extension.

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Final E3000 is a canal-type an itā€™s got a pretty fun sound, especially for electronica.

The Kefine Delci is pretty small, but has a big fun sound. Iā€™d wager virtually anyone would prefer it to the IE 200. Itā€™s also much cheaper, so thereā€™s that.

Hip hop has a tilt toward sub-bass, founded on ā€œboom-bapā€. Jazz generally has a mid to upper bass focus in the bass region. Two different jobs, pretty much. It is tricky to get a good balance that represents the bass region well without bleeding into the mids.

What are your priorities regarding soundstage, transients, instrument separation, dynamics, texture, timbre, and PRaT? Do you have any sensitivities or deficits in frequencies or frequency ranges? Giving us those answers can help us help you.

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Thanks, I just want to start of by saying that the main genre of music I listen to is hip hop and only sometimes a bit of jazz. I like a wide soundstage and its important to have. I donā€™t understand what some of the other terms you included mean. I also like to have good instrument separation as if I was in the room but not to much to the point where I know exactly where each instrument is located. I donā€™t think I have any sensitivities.

Then the FatFreq Deuce may be a set to consider.

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Do you know where I can buy them?


Thanks a lot for the help. Also, have you tried the sennheiser ie600? How would these compare to them? I am sorry for asking so many questions but I am a beginner and I am trying to make the right purchase

ā€œBeginnerā€ or not the only way to learn is to buy, listen and learnā€¦everyone has a different take so no matter what folk advise itā€™s only you that can decideā€¦ really donā€™t test meā€¦


Do the same @Isaac1 grow some and letā€™s hear your feed back :+1: :eyes:

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