What are your favorite covers?

Nine Inch Nails: The Joy Division Covers

Edit - Also the David Bowie Covers


Pretty cool cover of Duran Duran, “Come Undone”

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Not a specific song, but meant to drop this here a while back. I listen to this cover show every week and he always pulls some good unknown cover versions of songs. He also does a guess the connection on Fridays where he plays 6 songs and you can win prizes if you are first to guess correctly. I generally watch/ listen on Twitch, but he does upload in podcast form and posts links to the songs on his site.

Most recent show

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New cover that I actually really like

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Found it!

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I don’t have Spotify but these are covers of hers that Joni rec’s :+1:


This (next) one is also a thousand times better than the original… imo.

:laughing: RIP Alexi.

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Maybe not better then the original, but definitely a noteworthy one

Lexington Lab Band doing a suite of covers - Zeppelin

Dee gees-night fever
Hail satin.

Out of sight !

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Funk-A-delick !

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Not exactly a “favorite” cover, but at least i found it quite interesting… love that brass…