What are your other hobbies?

Don’t know if I would class them in hobby since I’m jumping back in forth in between them (come like a wave, forget for month then back on it, if that make since). The majority of them can’t be afford so it’s a reading hobby on those subject, i guess.

  • Tech in general
    (but smartphone is where I always go back)
  • Woodworking
    Thanks to the pandmic, I discover I love working with wood. Next summer (Winter in Qc as of writing) I might try to make myself a new computer desk out of hard wood.
  • 3D Printing
    Been about a year with a Monoprice Select Mini V2. Printing dust the majority of time (idle). But as soon as I can afford it I’m going all Voron.
  • 3D modeling
    Who remember when Google own SketchUp? Use it monthly (at least).
  • Photography
    Can’t afford it but kinda related to smartphone…
  • Learning
    Hated school, love learning on the go. Trying to understand code is strangely awesome when you have no background and trying to figure it out by just reading the line of code.
  • Discover recently through Senbeii on Deskhero the path of custom mechanical keyboard. Don’t want to jump in that hobby, but damm it’s tempting.

So yeah, I can’t seem to decide what is a hobby for me. Except smartphone and 3D modeling, I “choose” one a month or more, then “forget” about it maybe a couple of month, then back at it. But they never go away for good.


I wanted to own a Bottlehead Crack. Then I wanted to build a Bottlehead Crack. So I need to learn how to solder. And if I am going to learn soldering, I should learn something about electronics.
So I bought a book, read different websites and watch a lot of YouTube.

So…my newest hobby is learning about electronics and soldering. :laughing:


Picked up my first planes and joined an RC Club right as the 'rona was hitting last year:

Gonna try and get as much flight time this year as I can to get experienced enough to fly this beast. Was given to me as a thank you by the owner of the hobby shop my buddy works at after I set them up with a bunch of PC hardware (the TV is a 65" to give you an idea of how big it is):


I love playing fighting games, my favorites are street fighter III, smash ultimate, KOF XIII, mvc2, bbtag and dbfz. I wanna be competitive when I have more time, new guilty gear is coming out so probably then…

Gaming aside I spend my time learning piano/keys and playing the ukelele, I dance to whatever music is danceable, also do freestyle rapping and learning to produce in ableton live has been a lot of fun


Gaming, photography and motorcycles!


I was going to buy a house that was an estate sale. The previous owner liked his rc planes and had spots in his basement and garage for workshop space special for them. I am not into them but they look fun but im afraid of price

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The new, battery powered planes I’m flying are made of foam and are pretty durable and cheap to repair. They’re also cheap to get into. Small ready to fly kits run about $130. The top end ducted fan jets top out around $700ish. That SU-30 retails for about $550.


Realy? That not bad. Tbh i thought it started at $500 or ao and went into a few thousand.

The gas powered balsa models get that way. And the the large scale turbine jets cost as much as a car. But it’s a way easier hobby to get into now and even the die hard old school pilots at my club have jumped on the “foamie” bandwagon.

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My father liked RC planes, but I didn’t understand his disappointment when they’d crash. :confused: It’s like seeing money just burn away.

But we’re talking before battery-powered stuff.

Yeah, balsa crashes were usually major rebuilds. Most minor foam damage can be fixed with filler or glue, and replacement components are reasonably priced if necessary.

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I think his planes were full wood or something. 6+ foot wingspan with powerful engines that didn’t look like toys, but proper planes.

Like me, my father was always a collector of hobbies.

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Well lately I have been making some videos using ShotCut and uploading it to YouTube. I learned a bit as I use it during the beginning stages but I am not quite there yet. Also I made this cover/parody song with a shitty recording quality but hey, I tried.

Parody/Cover (hint: Gacha players like me will know this)


In free time i just like to create creative schedules. I dunno, but it just switches off me and I make such ordinary process cretive. Of course, I use some editors, my fav is this https://crello.com/create/schedule-maker/ one. Like it because it’s free, online and interesting.

Mountain biking, snowshoeing, hiking, lead singer in a classic rock band, video games, reading, fitness/yoga, going to concerts, sports on TV.

I need to retire. :slight_smile: