What did you buy today? (Part 1)

I have to deal with dumb management all the time, but i get the feeling you have to work with toddlers with paychecks.

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man they charge you guys a shit ton of cash just to go to school and where you want to spend more cash they wont let youā€¦ thats a bit dumb.

Youā€™ve no idea. I genuinely question half the staff memberā€™s competency, and 95% of the students are just as bad, if not worse.

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well power to you, maybe one day you can escape. like in that movie escape from LA.

I got screamed at by the staff member I caught bringing two other students into my room while I was off at dinner. Sheā€™s let these same students into my room before, and they trashed my room then, and she defended them. Funnily enough, she didnā€™t have the right paperwork on her clipboard for what she was claiming to be doing.
Thatā€™s not even a taste of the shit I have to put up with. Had a kid in automotive try telling me that the cold was actually the #1 killer of electronics, not heat.

thats shits fucked are you guys allowed to get out of student recedency? also I see where the automotive guys is coming from cause cold weather can kill batteriesā€¦ but thats still wrong though

Yes and no. I have to have an established place of residence in the local area (no more then 15 min out) before I can qualify. However, as that puts me out of state, Iā€™d be going to school and working full time, hoping to earn enough to pay for a place to live. Iā€™m not even allowed to have my own car on center property.

WTH? is this standard prcatice in the US? cause from what Im hearing is that they really love butfucking your wallets down there.

No. Just for this Federally funded program.
Let me put things this way.
There is ONE data center for ALL Job Corps accross all 50 states. Itā€™s in Dallas, Texas. Only, they have it so that not only does all internet traffic going in and out of all 120 some odd centers go through this single location, but the staff also have to sign into their desktop, then sign into a virtual desktop run from the servers at the data center.
The exact program Iā€™m in is supposed to train me to be able to go be a Systems Admin. They are training me to get the Microsoft 365: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification (cause bye bye MCSA, hello more ā€œFuck youā€ from Microsoft). Iā€™m also working on the CCNA, LPIC 1, and Sec+. Iā€™m also on a definitive time constraint. If I donā€™t finish everything by September, Iā€™m getting kicked out.
The kicker? We didnā€™t have machines to work with until 5 months after we where supposed to start. The practice machines we DO have (all socket LGA775) have un-activated versions of Windows 10. Windows 8-10 all have to be connected to the internet in order to be activated. Only guess what? We arenā€™t allowed to connect to the pre-existing internet connection, 'cause then we (the students using them) will have too much access (even after disconnecting from the internet). We also canā€™t get our own line temporarily 'cause then the Data center wonā€™t have full control over everything. Hell, the activation codes they gave us arenā€™t even good, so we canā€™t even do an over the phone activation.
Why does that matter? Because at least half of the resources in Windows 10 that we need to use to administrate the operating system are locked out by default until such time as the OS is activated.



Iā€™m actually done with dacs. Like I am not even going to consider a high end one anymore. I am just sold. The deed is done lol

Today I got to audition and buy a used Aries Cerat Kassandra II Reference. Something I can actually call endgame lol. This is a real what the fuck am I doing with my life moment here, and honestly I donā€™t know if I regret it or not. He is what I will tell you about the sound. Itā€™s good. That is all I am going to say about it. I guess itā€™s just somewhat surreal having a 130 pound dac sitting in the back of my car, that it happens to be worth more than


If only I was good with modding some of my headphones, because I am afraid I have not done any modding. But if you do have the guide, please care to share it with me because I want detachable wires overall, not feeling safe when the wires are attached to the headphones.

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god damn thought my program in college had issues

quick act of google fu

well a dac is a dac and your good with it now at least all you have to worry about are headphones , amps and the allmighty audiophile rocks


Apparently in carousell.ph an online website that sells both used and new items, there is an AKG K7XX that is on sale for $205, it is also brand new and it is one of the rare cases that I see an item here in my country that is from Drop. Maybe I should further look up for more and add the K7XXs on my list, but I am interested and enticed to the Fidelio X2HRs.

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Thanks for the video, it is such a shame that only their DT1990 Pros are the only that has a detachable cable.

The k7xx isnā€™t that great imo, do they have any other akgā€™s available?

Like though, what I just did was not rational and I absolutely know I got caught up in the moment here. I paid a good price for what it is, but is it justifiable to me, and in my head I just donā€™t know at this point


Yeah, so please excuse me if Iā€™m a bit testy at times. Sadly coming home just means trading Job Corps BS for my bitch of a sister who thinks me coming home just means Iā€™m going to clean up after her messes once Iā€™m off work.

Either way, decided to go with this bad boy for my final purchase. Gonna find a way to cut it up and use it like Zeos does.

the most common AKGs are the freaking earphones that is being bundled with the Samsung Galaxy S8s which is a big oof. Also the headphones here are mostly like from the Mid-Fi range like for only Casual or DJ use, rarely you see a Hi-Fi version of AKG here, overall they are a pain to find.