So I had the best listening experience with Samsung X AKG eo-ig955. I then moved to Fiio FD1 which I find excellent. I also have the IE200 but really dislike it compared to FD1 (IE200 sounded dull). I’m chasing after something similar to or better than the Samsung x AKG mentioned. What would you consider the logical upgrade among the listed?
Fiio FH9 (unsure about the open design)
Penon 10th Anniversary
XENNS Mangird Top
Fiio FD7
IE600 (am not sure about this as I hear QC is terrible)
DTE 900
Or if you have any other recommendation within the price range of IEM above, please let me know.
They are different. I don`t recommend EQ to either. But both are not safe sets - the sound is for audiophiles, not for calmly blasting music with a glass of Campari in hand .
A safer IEM is TOP.
It’s more for emotional listening. I’d like to be able to hear the clarity and all the instruments and really feel them you know…I don’t know the terms but yeah. Is TOP V shaped? I prefer V shape or Harman tuned.