What do you think from Matrix Audio?


What do think from the Matrix Audio Ipro 2S?
The spec with 12 ohm on the the Headphonejack is not very good for Headphones who need more power.
I have connected on a old Stereo Amp Grundig Fine Arts M100 A via Rca with the Fostex TR X 00 and i find it was not Bad, Loudness function hmmm, Bass and Trebel knobs.Is‘t fine.

I am courius who it works with a Schiit Magni and Loki?Good or bad or better then this old Amp from my Father?
I have searching the Specs for Headphonejack but i don‘t find it.

Otherwise the Ipro 2 S works good, the Bluetooth function is fine. Connected with ipad and Sound comes via Rca to the Amp.
Is a pretty nice Dac for the first Time.

Who do think?