What do think from the Matrix Audio Ipro 2S?
The spec with 12 ohm on the the Headphonejack is not very good for Headphones who need more power.
I have connected on a old Stereo Amp Grundig Fine Arts M100 A via Rca with the Fostex TR X 00 and i find it was not Bad, Loudness function hmmm, Bass and Trebel knobs.Is‘t fine.
I am courius who it works with a Schiit Magni and Loki?Good or bad or better then this old Amp from my Father?
I have searching the Specs for Headphonejack but i don‘t find it.
Otherwise the Ipro 2 S works good, the Bluetooth function is fine. Connected with ipad and Sound comes via Rca to the Amp.
Is a pretty nice Dac for the first Time.
Who do think?