After years of spending not more than 20$ on IEMs, I recently got the Aria and I at first I was rather satisfied with the purchase. While I still like them, after upping my budget for a clearly better IEM, I started wondering what I am missing out on, if I would have gotten the blessing 2 for 300$ instead… while I was thinking about wether I should or shouldn’t purchase them, I realized, that the cycle will probably continue: Once I get the blessing 2 and assuming I like them, I will ask my self, what a 700$ IEM would offer above the blessing 2 and then again for the <2k$ price point.
At this point I am wondering what to get and at which pricepoint, since most of the headphones (especially chinese ones), I have no chance of testing. A 2k$ IEM wouldn’t bankrupt me, but could cause severe regrets, if the improvements are only marginally or if I simply don’t end up liking the frequency response, etc. I am not really looking to spending on multiple IEMs or to do this as a hobby. I would just like to get an IEM to enjoy music even more and stop wondering “what would I get if I got IEM X instead”.
What is your subjective opinion on the pricebracket and on the following models in those price brackets?
1-2k$ - MEST, U12T, Z1R
700$ - Monarch
500$ - Variations, Oracle
300$ - Tea, Oxygen, Blessing, MDR-EX800ST, Timeless
0$ - be happy with what I got…