What is the only IEM that you can't stop using right now?

I don’t know man, ever since getting this banger of a set for the price. The Letshuoer S08 has me trapped in terms of its overall tuning, musicality, looks and value overall. Hell, I think I can safely say that it overtook my EA1000 in terms of usage, and those ones are an expensive set and I love my Simgots.

So yeah as of now, what is that single IEM in your collection that you cannot stop using for some reason? For I think we all had been there at some point.

Edit: Also yeah, when I started using the Divinus Velvet ear tips on the S08, in my opinion, they became even better overall, therefore I have to buy an another pair for it.


For me, it’s my recently acquired AFUL P8. It’s got good bass presence without overdoing it but delivering when called for on tracks, precisely, quickly, and without bloat. The mids are amazing and vocals are delivered as they should but also pick up on microdetails that I sometimes do not hear with other sets (and some headphones). The highs, just like the mids, deliver a detailed and non-fatiguing presentation that plays seamlessly well with the mids. The soundstage has width but is not as deep, spot on with what others have noticed. This is by no means a negative mark, it’s just its signature and doesn’t detract from the presentation at all and you will still hear some depth with tracks recorded/mixed in this fashion.

Everything I have thrown at it so far on my test tracks and other multi-genre favorites is currently beating out my previous go-to headphone, the Sennheiser HD 400 Pro. To my ear, it carries much of that Sennheiser like signature sound of the new HD 4XX pro line and consumer HD 6XX line, if I were to compare it to headphones. The way it’s tuned gels with my sound preference to where it is more neutral but with a slight fun factor added to it so it is never boring.

In closing, I have found my end game. It does everything in my library well and so much so that I am not interested in spending time and money to see if there is something out there that beats it. Maybe some day in the future… It just sounds so good! :+1: :+1:


Man, I have always been curious about the AFUL IEMs as well and I was planning to get the Performer 5s back then, just didn’t have the budget to do so. After so many good receptions about each AFUL IEM, I may be considering selling some of my IEMs, including the EA1000s in order to get a set from them, because I have been curious about them lately, not to mention the looks of each are very beautiful imo and seems one of the best for value.

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The P8 is my entry into the brand and I must say, I am impressed. I usually take my time and research on my own, listening to a bunch of video reviews and reading written ones before pulling the trigger. I got a great deal during a recent sale and because a payment plan was offered, it just made sense. Plus, getting it from Amazon helped (in my case) since they have easy returns in case it wasn’t what I thought it was after some critical listening. I am glad that it was what I thought, hehe.

I’d say when you have the $, it gets my recommendation to at least audition. Even though I don’t have the P5, all the reviewers I heard said it was the direct upgrade to the P5 in the current AFUL space.


Yeah I might as well do it at some point. Sell some of the headphones or IEMs that I have and I barely used for a reasonable price. If my budget can reach the same price as the P8 or if there is a sale, probably the better option. Then it’s a done deal. Though I think there will be more upcoming IEMs that would be releasing that can be a game changer for me, and lately I have been looking for a more neutral set, for most of my IEMs have been Simgot aka Harman-ish and I think it’s time for me to take a break from Harman. Neutral or Balanced would be nice for a change.


I have the AFUL MagicOne and Explorer. Two of my faves in my collection.

AFUL is a standout among new companies introducing models into the market. All four of its models – P5, P8, Explorer and MagicOne – have received plenty of praise.

Don’t hesitate to buy an AFUL product if you are interested and think the sound signature matches your preferences. Damn solid IEMs, man.

P.S.: If you want a neutral or balanced IEM, go for the MagicOne. Put Final Type E tips on them to enhance the bass a bit, and, well, they’re magic … :slight_smile:


Thanks for the suggestion man. I think the only IEM set that has been enticing to me since the day I saw it would be the P5 and the P8. But since you’re saying that about the MagicOne, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind in the future. Also for the name “AFUL” they are not really that awful, in fact totally opposite xD. It’s like the branding that they did to their IEMs are some kind of a joke or something for the hobbyists like us to get their IEMs.

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Honestly it’s the Aful Explorer right now - I have been on a big EDM kick and that set absolutely ROCKS EDM, better than any other set I currently have. It’s a lovely balance of mid bass, not-so-forward mids to avoid harshness and a slightly relaxed treble presentation that’s honestly perfectly balanced in the tuning for dance music.

They’re a tour unit sadly but I’m thinking of buying a pair my self after a purge of some sets from my collection. Not to mention they’re crazy comfortable and seal like no one’s business.


The Explorers are reminding me of the original Moondrop Starfield in terms of their coloration and I am hoping the sounds as well are the same level of quality or even better than the OG Starfield when I first got them in my hands back in the day. Due to it is being made by AFUL, it’s safe to say it’s one of the best IEMs to get this year.


For totl iems it’s the noble onyx, it’s just ridiculously good at everything to my ears. For traveling and want something that is more “affordable” I use monarch MK3 and 64 Audio duo with those 3 I don’t know if I could add anything to my collection that does what I want better.



I have two of those,

I/O Volare
Alpha Omega Ra. Both the sets offer excellent sound, Ra satisfies my hunger for bass and that natural feel throughout the band is simply amazing. I/O Volare doesn’t have that bass punch, but it sounds more open and separation is better, so two IEMs that complete me right now.

I am missing the Eminent Ears Ruby and Nostgia Camelot since they both are gone on tour. Will return to me after about 2-3 months now.


U12T for me for sure. Since purchasing this iem, nothing else I have or have previously owned compares or comes close.

Currently paired with EA Cadmus 4w cable and Azla Sedna Earfit Lights:


U12T and Z1R’s are the og TOTL sets…and two of the…


I owned the Starfield. I own the Explorer. The Starfield can’t hold the Explorer’s cable.

The Explorer is a much more mature, fun, developed tuning than the Starfield, from fading memory.


I agree with the last statement - in terms of overall value, I think the Explorers are probably up there for one fo the best pairs of IEMs to get in 2024.

It took a little while for them to settle in for me, but once they did it was blast off… pun fully intended.


Would you say these have good punch for Techno other electronic? By the graph it looks like these are a listen loud set? EDM is a very broad term and i find it hard to narrow down sets because some like that mid tuck and i need the opposite.

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They dont have a vent on the inside right?

Plunge Unity :heart:


Explorer definitely has more mid-bass punch than sub-bass rumble. And yes, the Explorer is a very good “listen loud” set because of its smoothness.

Still, take care of those ears! Once you start to lose hearing or get tinnitus, there is no cure.