What is the piece of music ,album, or artist that no matter how far you go you always keep coming back

Doesn’t have to be old to keep you coming back again and again.

Couple new ones.

Jamiroquai. Because it epitomizes live jam music.

Devengra Banhart, because it flows taking your through a high trip.

Couple old ones

Funkkadelic, because it’s as funky as Funk gets.

Yellow, because these guys were just on another level of music, like Kraftwerk, years ahead.

Parting the sea between brightness and me from Touche Amore. Its special for me, cause it helped me very much when it came out.

Since i discovered AC/DC in my teens, i’ve always returned to their 70s releases with Bon Scott and as late as today in my car i was listening to the TNT album :slight_smile:

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