What's your test songs?

Didn’t think I was the kind of guy to have a test song, but I do now. Purely for transient response. On a 95x. Holy shit. I don’t care about tonality. Electrostat is THE way to go for speedcore.

Currently, this is my main song for testing on what I currently have. I don’t know man, this songs to be the perfect start to see if the audio you own are like dream-sounding potential.

Novice here, building a small collection of hi-rez tracks above CD quality, CD hard copy, 4k bluray, itunes master audio, streaming media and youtube. Might dip into vinyl in the future but all digital for now.

Home theater geek but im piecing together a entry-level 2.0-2.2 channel to compare against HT gear.

Everything about this- vocals, instrument separation, lows, highs- it all sounds good to me but those vocals…

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I got quite familiar with a particular recording of the 1812 Overture. This CD - https://www.amazon.com/Tchaikovsky-Overture-Capriccio-italien-Excerpts/dp/B08DBXPTDB/ref=mp_s_a_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=1812+capriccio+italien+swan+lake&qid=1605691716&sr=8-3

Generally a good test for full orchesta. Full use of frequency range, from the lows of contrabass to the extreme highs of triangle and cymbals. Many voices to test seperation, imaging, timbre. Wide dynamic range. Both subtle and powerful moments in bass frequencies. Subtle and quiet details like breathing, chair squeaks, coughs, page flipping, violin squeaks. Cannons.

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I like a lot of generes so i made my own Test your headphones playlist :smiley:

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DMS+Abyss’s latest creation:

I’m impressed.


It was nice and well made, could have been much better also and was wondering. Is there a better source file than just YT.vid.
Wondering was there a touch of humor also.

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Thank you for introducing this amazing artist to me!

I do have test lists, but they are always changing. Here is my current list:

Because of you, I downloaded all the Florence I could find.

I have all four of her albums. First two were definitely the best. :smile:

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“After the love has gone” - erf wind and fiya. One of the best recordings i have the little i have. 44/16 flac

What I’ve listened to to test streaming services and DAPs:

Leonard Cohen… Slow
Bob Marley… Get Up Stand Up
Daft Punk… Georgio by Moroder
Allman Bros… Whipping Post (live version from One Way Out… Derek Trucks & Warren Haynes, guitars)
Enigma… Sadeness
Beatles… Strawberry Fields, Penny Lane
Lou Reed… Walk on the Wild Side
Tom Tom Club… Wordy Rappinghood
Pet Shop Boys… West End Girls
The Clash… London Calling
Dire Straits… Brothers in Arms
Kate Bush… Running Up That Hill
Mozart Requiem… Scottish Chamber Orchestra

… and many more!

Ended up with Qobuz and a Hiby R5 Saber… listening with Koss Porta-Pros walking around, and Meze 99 Noir (balanced) at home.

You have to try Mbongwana Star’s - Mbongwana Star.

A few off the top of my head:

Hotel California 2013 remaster - The Eagles
Long Time Gone - The Chicks
Muhlrad - Michael Wollny
Prélude a l’apres midi d’un faune - Claude Debussy
Sing 1994 remix - Carpenters

Identical Itunes and CD ripped tracks for test sources.
I got steely dan, RATM, MJ, daft punk, suzanne vega for the popular stuff and OSTs. Also HI-res samplers

Still building my library.