Wired Earbuds, Best of the Best Recs?

I need to pay attention when the Berserker 3 is ready, and then I need to seriously think about both it and the Saber 3.

I really enjoying the contrast between the Grand Berserker 2 and the Grand Rider 1.


I’ve been lurking around in here and other places for like 3-4 months. I’ve tried multiple IEMs / headphones (on ear, open & closed back) to give me a sense of what I like in terms of sound signature and fit (comfort is super important). But man the world of earbuds feels more complex than headphones & IEMs!

The earbuds that I’ve tried so far are a hit or miss tbh. Often vocals sound a bit muffled (even when using donut foam) by the mid-bass. Based on reviews and ranking list I’ve tried…

  • Faaeal Snow lotus: sound muffled
  • Faaeal Iris 2.0 ($): just ok
  • Faael Rosemary: a bit better than Iris.
  • Nicehck EBS2 Pro: vocals seemed the cleanest, and bass quality is there but not sure that I like the Bell shell style as they tend to lean on the larger size.
  • FIIO FF5: on par with the Nicehck to my ears. Slightly more detailed but not by much. Not sure they are worth the 100$-150$ extra.

My daily drivers are the Hifiman Sundara (with bass-boosted eq), KPH40, and Ziggaat DosCinco among many others. I mostly listen to Rap/Hip Hop, EDM, with some Jazz and soul.

Based on @Kenyon / @ttorbic / @CT007 list, it looks like that I could afford up to the very good category. What would be a nice upgrade to EBS2 Pro, I love how detailed and smooth they sound, its bass quality/quantity but dislike the design of these buds, its size and rather shallow sound stage (feel like an IEM). In order words, looking for an upgrade! for around 120$. Can consider something more expensive if it’s worth it! Or maybe I should continue my quest and try other types of shells such as the Qian 39/69 or Panda PK2? :man_shrugging:t4:

@John_W_Clark would you mind sharing the eq you use on the EB2S Pro?

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Just moving some sets around (Serratus should be in the exceptional group), and added driver details to more sets.

Also, here are some really helpful ranking lists from members of the community:

And there’s obviously the one and only Woodyluvr’s timeline: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qQxQk5-BnnGrSuSWcBivPFWfRwJyds82XIT01TdmgiE/edit?usp=drivesdk


Venture Electronics Sun Copper ($598) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, 15.4mm, lifetime warranty
Venture Electronics Zen Su ($2980) [FIXED CABLE] 320ohm
Venture Electronics APWS ($900? Contact VE) [FIXED CABLE] 150ohm
TGXear DS Black Sand ($599) [FIXED CABLE] 130ohm, N55 magnet, with sand as dampener
TGXear Desolation Sound ($599) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, N55 magnet
Cypherus Audio Black Dragon Susvara (and its variants) ($1000?) [FIXED CABLE?] 32ohm,15.4mm


Venture Electronics Zen SL ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 14.8mm LCP
TGXear Revelstroke ($450) [FIXED CABLE] 130ohm,
TGXear Totem ($299) [FIXED CABLE] 700ohm, 15.4mm beryllium PVD N55 magnet
TGXear Serratus Black Sand ($250) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, N55 magnet, with sand as dampener
TGXear OG/Red Serratus ($199) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 15.4mm PET diaphragm
Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 3 ($175) [MMCX OPTIONAL] 180ohm, 15.4mm PET
Yincrow RW-4000 ($432) [MMCX CABLE + MODULAR] 16ohm, 15mm dynamic
Lrey Aurora ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm beryllium driver, N52 magnet
Symphonio Dragon 3+(could not find 3) ($529) [FIXED CABLE] 120ohm, 14.8mm dynamic N52 magnet


Venture Electronics Sun Dice ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, 15.4mm driver
Venture Electronics Zen 3.0 ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 15.4mm driver
TGXear Sunniva ($299/350) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, beryllium N52 magnet
TGXear Ripples ($) [FIXED CABLE] 100ohm biofiber diaphragm
TGXear Tantalus ($) [FIXED CABLE] 500ohm beryllium diaphragm
TGXear Alpha ($249) [FIXED CABLE] 600ohm, beryllium diaphragm
Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 2/Grand Saber 2/Grand Rider 2 ($145) [FIXED CABLE]
Rikubuds Saber 3/Alter Rider 3 ($120) [MMCX OPTIONAL]
Ksearphone Bell-Ti ($363) [FIXED CABLE] 30ohm, 15mm dynamic N55 magnet
Ksearphone 600 ($)
Ksearphone DB1 ($286) [2-PIN CABLE] 30ohm, 15.4mm dynamic, pure copper voice coil
Longyao Yinman 600 ($118) [FIXED CABLE] 600ohm
Yincrow RW-3000 ($196) [MMCX CABLE] 16ohm, 15mm dynamic
Ucotech ES-P1 ($321) [MMCX CABLE] Custom 14.8 mm CNT double dome; note: ES-P1 is sold out, and replaced by ES-P2, but there are few reviews online. ES-P1 was highly regarded
Symphonio Dragon 2+ ($308) [FIXED CABLE] 16ohm, 15.8mm neodymium
Lrey W03 Pro ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm custom beryllium driver, N55 magnet
Lrey W08 ($) [FIXED OR MMCX]
Lrey Rika ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm Custom titanium driver
Lrey Proteus ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 80 Ohm custom driver


Hi there! Great stuff that you’re looking to upgrade! Do you find mx500 shells comfy?

To be honest, not that much. They are more comfy than the FIIO FF5, that’s for sure. But with foams, I keep pushing them into my ears a little bit to get some low end “rumble.

Oh, forgot to add the source. FWIW, I use the internal dac/amp of my MacBook M2 Pro 60% of the time and a FIIO BTR15 the other 40%.

Ok, so you still have some leeway using MX500 + foam? You can either try a denser foam or silicone rings (AliX).

In terms of actual buds, sounds like you prefer a slightly bassier signature? You might wanna search around for Rikubuds, say a Berserker 2 or 3. @Rikudou_Goku tagging the man himself here.

Thanks for the suggestion! Will get a silicone ring today and try it on a MX500 shell!

For the bass, yes I do enjoy some mid/low bass since I listen mostly to Rap/Hip Hop and a mix of electronic/Pop/R&B such as James Blake.

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Oh and Riku’s RG39-1 shell size (left) compared to MX500, the RG39-1 fit better for me too…


Oooh I used to listen to a lot of James Blake! Quite subbass heavy though, which is always difficult to get in earbuds. Probably best to try a Rikubud (and definitely sniff around all the secondhand places - I’ve seen really good deals pop up). If you’re willing to wait, contact Riku - I think there is a fairly long waiting list for his latest sets like Berserker 3


I used the “Bass Boost 2” on Peace, and flatten it once. Flattening takes the 10 db shelf to 5, which is enough for me unless I am listening to hip-hop.

It is just a low shelf filter at 166 Hz with a gain of 5 db and a Q of 0.4, but I assume anything that just gives a few DB to everything under 200 Hz would get the job done.

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Thanks chap

  1. I think it is time to remove the individual LReys given the issues and them pretty much being the same and just have a single listing under very good for the Aurora. Hard to place them so high on any list given the lack of QC.

Very good - Lrey Aurora
Good or Niche - Lrey (variants)

  1. Shall we add Blox TM11 - without hearing it myself & seeing more reviews I am only really comfortable putting it at Good or Niche for the moment

  2. Shall we add VE SMG - without hearing it myself & seeing more reviews I would still position it in Very Good for the moment - solely on the basis of @Leonarfd comments

  3. For me Serratus wouldn’t be moved to the tier above as otherwise we would also need to move the other TGX buds up and I am not sure they are all comparable - ie no other buds has as good a timbre as Alpha but it is too rolled off to be seen as exceptional - same with Tantalus and it’s warm male vocal playback. Serratus for me is an exceptional set for some niches ie one of the few buds that can handle IDM & Electronica but it’s subbass yet sparkly tuning and lack of balance is an issue elsewhere. Totem and Serratus feel a tier apart but not sure Totem is good enough to make the God Tier List really when I compare to others there.
    Perhaps a new tier is required between Exceptional and Very good (and perhaps we move FranQL - to Exceptional instead of God Tier)

So this new tier below exceptional would potentially have
TGX Serratus [+1]
TGX Ripples [+1]
Maybe TGX Black Sand Serratus [-1]
Maybe Rikubuds GAS3 [-1]
Symphonio Dragon 3+ [-1]
VE Sun Dice [+1]
Ks DBX [forgot to include on the previous list]
Maybe Yincrow RW3000 [+1]
Maybe Rikubuds Saber 3 [+1]

Let me know what you think :+1:


Yeah I agree. A shame really…let’s hope LREY changes tac a bit. Once you’ve heard your W03 Pro, I think we can break that one out from the variants and list it (IMO in the Very good category).

Should we have a “Waiting for more reviews” category?

:scream: You’re not a Serratus-believer?!! :stuck_out_tongue: Jks. What about an Excellent category? I honestly don’t know if Saber 3 belongs in Excellent…maybe keep in Very Good

Do you want to implement and I revise?

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I don’t have much experience in buds, but Saber 3 is very good. I wouldn’t say Excellent, but very very good…


Great idea chap

Ohh 100% I am a serratus believer it’s just in that bracket there is also potentially SBS and definitely Totem (which is so good I may have bought 2 of them (Bell & Mx)) :man_facepalming::man_facepalming::man_facepalming:

Perfect :+1:

:+1: - Keep Saber 3 where it is (you & @SoundEater are more likely correct here as for me it’s potentially slightly above Tantalus)

I am not sure about the Yincrow 3000 moving up (maybe a stretch) and TGX SBS moving down (maybe being too harsh)

Completely up to you - I am out at the moment so would get to it tomorrow/Wednesday at the earliest as long as that’s ok


Ok, version 270524.


And there’s obviously the one and only Woodyluvr’s timeline: link

DIY earbud build guide: link


Venture Electronics (VE) Sun Copper ($598) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, 15.4mm, lifetime warranty
VE Zen Su ($2980) [FIXED CABLE] 320ohm
VE APWS ($900? Contact VE) [FIXED CABLE] 150ohm
TGXear DS Black Sand ($599) [FIXED CABLE] 130ohm, N55 magnet, with sand as dampener
TGXear Desolation Sound ($599) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, N55 magnet
Cypherus Audio Black Dragon Susvara (and its variants) ($1000?) [FIXED CABLE?] 32ohm,15.4mm


VE Zen SL ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 14.8mm LCP
TGXear Revelstroke ($450) [FIXED CABLE] 130ohm custom 1+ Tesla Neodymium magnet
TGXear Totem ($299) [FIXED CABLE] 700ohm, 15.4mm beryllium PVD N55 magnet
TGXear Serratus Black Sand ($250) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, N55 magnet, with sand as dampener
Yincrow RW-4000 ($432) [MMCX CABLE + MODULAR] 16ohm, 15mm dynamic


Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 3 ($175) [MMCX OPTIONAL] 180ohm, 15.4mm PET
Symphonio Dragon 3+(could not find 3) ($529) [FIXED CABLE] 120ohm, 14.8mm dynamic N52 magnet
TGXear OG/Red Serratus ($199) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 15.4mm PET diaphragm
TGXear Ripples ($) [FIXED CABLE] 100ohm biofiber diaphragm
Venture Electronics Sun Dice ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, 15.4mm driver
Ksearphone Temperament DBX
Yincrow RW-3000 ($196) [MMCX CABLE] 16ohm, 15mm dynamic


VE Zen 3.0 ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 15.4mm driver
TGXear Sunniva ($299/350) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, beryllium N52 magnet
TGXear Tantalus ($) [FIXED CABLE] 500ohm beryllium diaphragm
TGXear Alpha ($249) [FIXED CABLE] 600ohm, beryllium diaphragm
Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 2/Grand Saber 2/Grand Rider 2 ($145) [FIXED CABLE]
Rikubuds Saber 3/Alter Rider 3 ($120) [MMCX OPTIONAL]
Ksearphone Bell-Ti ($363) [FIXED CABLE] 30ohm, 15mm dynamic N55 magnet
Ksearphone 600 ($)
Ksearphone DB1 ($286) [2-PIN CABLE] 30ohm, 15.4mm dynamic, pure copper voice coil
Longyao Yinman 600 ($118) [FIXED CABLE] 600ohm
Ucotech ES-P1 ($321) [MMCX CABLE] Custom 14.8 mm CNT double dome; note: ES-P1 is sold out, and replaced by ES-P2, but there are few reviews online. ES-P1 was highly regarded
Symphonio Dragon 2+ ($308) [FIXED CABLE] 16ohm, 15.8mm neodymium
Lrey Aurora (LREY is on FB; or DM @ttorbic for email) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm beryllium driver, N52 magnet
Lrey W03 Pro ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm custom beryllium driver, N55 magnet

Good or Successful at Niche

VE (Asura 3.0, Zen 2.0)
Rikubuds (Grand Berserker 2, Grand Rider 1, Grand Archer 1)
Lrey variants:

  • W08 ($) [FIXED OR MMCX]
  • Rika ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm Custom titanium driver
  • Proteus ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 80 Ohm custom driver

Moondrop Chaconne
Fiio (FF5, FF3)
Ks (DB1E, K300 Samsara)
Yincrow RW-2000
Dunu Alpha 3
Shozy BK
Blur (PK150 Wraith LE, PK32, MX64 OFC)
Newbsound (Limited Runs)
Puresounds (PS-100 600, PS-100 500)
Rose Technics Maria 2

Above Average or Niche with failings

VE Master
Rikubuds (Berserker 2, Lancer 1)
Yincrow RW-1000 Bass
Fiio EM5
Ksearphone Temperament (X3, X6, LBBS)
Toneking (Dendroaspis Viridi, Black Manba)
Blur (MX150, MX400, MX300 Beautiful Witch, PK16)
Smabat M2S
DQSM (Turandot, PD21)

Average or best under $75 USD

VE (Monk Pro Vita, Monk LL)
Rikubuds (Assassin 1, Berserker 1, Alter Rider 1, Saber 1, Alter Archer 1)
Yincrow (Rhino, Calf)
NiceHCK EB2S Pro
DQSM Panda PK2
Faael Rosemary
Nobunga Labs
Moondrop U-2

Waiting for moar impressions / reviews

Rikubuds Berserker 3
Rikubuds Caster 3


I’ve updated it :slight_smile: i added in some of the lower categories that you had in your original post - i think it was left off for some reason in the previous version


Thanks so much chap :+1:
Awesome stuff

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The RG39 shell looks great. Stupid question, could you expand on how the shell fits better because if I look at the pictures, both shell diameters seem similar?

Also, I’m pretty sure I will love the bass on the Berserker 3, but in the description, it says that the vocals are not forward. I fear that it might sound too dark…

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Some more pics of the RG39-1 vs MX500


They both use 15.4mm drivers so diameter is pretty much the same. If you need smaller diameter though.

RG39-1 (15.4mm driver) vs RG39-SE (14.8mm driver)

(RG39-1 = LEFT & RG39-SE = RIGHT)
Caster 3 exclusive shell.