Wired Earbuds, Best of the Best Recs?

Oh yeah man, his last album is perfect for working/focusing (I work from home). I’ve been testing all gear on a playlist that includes multiple genres.

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Earbud Driver DIY Sheet

Other Bud Ranking Lists




AWSM Danny earbud ranking list


So I’ve tried the silicone ring on an MX500 shell (Iris 2.0) and funny enough the fit is now too loose :joy:. I’ve reverted to the donut foam that came with the FF5 and it “grips” more my ears.

Did you put the silicone ring then put the foam over it?

Nah only the silicon ring. Wait, Am I supposed to use both?

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I do, yes!

VE SMG is very good, when looking at natural timbre and technicalities it is close to APWS. Dont have the flagship VE buds, so I can not be exactly sure in this statement. Been using my notes from when I had Zen SU, Sun Copper and APWS here, I then compared them with my own Zen 3.0 and FranQL buds that I have now used as reference.

APWS could get to bright for me and SMG does not, and the bass of APWS wasn’t this punchy and full.

SMG have a W shaped tuning with a very transparent driver, I really like it. A good allrounder, and very positive that its not to hard to drive.

Promised Lee a review for SMG, already written it and just need to do some editing. Going to rate it 4.5 stars on head-fi, my rating is very subjective. If it had a little less upper mids I would probably give it a full score and rate it as my favorite bud, but I know many people like more uppe rmids than me and then this can a perfect bud for the price. Metal build with gold plating, nice cable with only negative being fixed. The shell is also small.


Thanks chap that is really helpful.

Have you heard any TGX, Rikubuds, Yincrow or something that you think could help us provisionally place it a little better?

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thanks, added!

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thanks! post updated

I’m not that much helpfull there, had the Serratus some time back. But never vibed with it, found it bright and lacking in warmth.

Had two Riku buds, Grand Berserker 2 and the Alter Rider 1.
Grand Berserker is very different tuned being a darker and more bass heavy tuning, and the Alter Rider is to long ago to remember now.

Had some entry level models from Yincrow.

I have been using VE buds for a good time since my good friend pushed them on me, so I started early with some very good sounding ones. I have also used about every model in the lineup.

I do want to get myself a desolation sand and maybe a Alter Rider 3 or Caster 3. Sometime later this year.


Looking forward to your review! Those are some sexy buds. I also dig the openheart leather cable tie thing! I have a couple of those somewhere…should use rhem

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@Kenyon I added Moondrop U-2, but not sure if it belongs on this list since it’s quite a budget set


@Leonarfd @Kenyon where should we put VE SMG? God’s Tears or Exceptional?

Ok, version 280524.


And there’s obviously the one and only Woodyluvr’s timeline: link

DIY earbud build guide: link


Venture Electronics (VE) Sun Copper ($598) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, 15.4mm, lifetime warranty
VE Zen Su ($2980) [FIXED CABLE] 320ohm
VE APWS ($900? Contact VE) [FIXED CABLE] 150ohm
TGXear DS Black Sand ($599) [FIXED CABLE] 130ohm, N55 magnet, with sand as dampener
TGXear Desolation Sound ($599) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, N55 magnet
Cypherus Audio Black Dragon Susvara (and its variants) ($1000?) [FIXED CABLE?] 32ohm,15.4mm


VE Zen SL ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 14.8mm LCP
VE SMG (VE VIP only) [FIXED MMCX] 32 Ohm titanium driver
TGXear Revelstroke ($450) [FIXED CABLE] 130ohm custom 1+ Tesla Neodymium magnet
TGXear Totem ($299) [FIXED CABLE] 700ohm, 15.4mm beryllium PVD N55 magnet
TGXear Serratus Black Sand ($250) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, N55 magnet, with sand as dampener
Yincrow RW-4000 ($432) [MMCX CABLE + MODULAR] 16ohm, 15mm dynamic


Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 3 ($175) [MMCX OPTIONAL] 180ohm, 15.4mm PET
Symphonio Dragon 3+(could not find 3) ($529) [FIXED CABLE] 120ohm, 14.8mm dynamic N52 magnet
TGXear OG/Red Serratus ($199) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 15.4mm PET diaphragm
TGXear Ripples ($) [FIXED CABLE] 100ohm biofiber diaphragm
Venture Electronics Sun Dice ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, 15.4mm driver
Ksearphone Temperament DBX
Yincrow RW-3000 ($196) [MMCX CABLE] 16ohm, 15mm dynamic


VE Zen 3.0 ($298) [FIXED CABLE] 300ohm, 15.4mm driver
TGXear Sunniva ($299/350) [FIXED CABLE] 180ohm, beryllium N52 magnet
TGXear Tantalus ($) [FIXED CABLE] 500ohm beryllium diaphragm
TGXear Alpha ($249) [FIXED CABLE] 600ohm, beryllium diaphragm
Rikubuds Grand Alter Saber 2/Grand Saber 2/Grand Rider 2 ($145) [FIXED CABLE]
Rikubuds Saber 3/Alter Rider 3 ($120) [MMCX OPTIONAL]
Ksearphone Bell-Ti ($363) [FIXED CABLE] 30ohm, 15mm dynamic N55 magnet
Ksearphone 600 ($)
Ksearphone DB1 ($286) [2-PIN CABLE] 30ohm, 15.4mm dynamic, pure copper voice coil
Longyao Yinman 600 ($118) [FIXED CABLE] 600ohm
Ucotech ES-P1 ($321) [MMCX CABLE] Custom 14.8 mm CNT double dome; note: ES-P1 is sold out, and replaced by ES-P2, but there are few reviews online. ES-P1 was highly regarded
Symphonio Dragon 2+ ($308) [FIXED CABLE] 16ohm, 15.8mm neodymium
Lrey Aurora (LREY is on FB; or DM @ttorbic for email) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm beryllium driver, N52 magnet
Lrey W03 Pro ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm custom beryllium driver, N55 magnet

Good or Successful at Niche

VE (Asura 3.0, Zen 2.0)
Rikubuds (Grand Berserker 2, Grand Rider 1, Grand Archer 1)
Lrey variants:

  • W08 ($) [FIXED OR MMCX]
  • Rika ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 32 Ohm Custom titanium driver
  • Proteus ($) [FIXED OR MMCX] 80 Ohm custom driver

Moondrop Chaconne
Fiio (FF5, FF3)
Ks (DB1E, K300 Samsara)
Yincrow RW-2000
Dunu Alpha 3
Shozy BK
Blur (PK150 Wraith LE, PK32, MX64 OFC)
Newbsound (Limited Runs)
Puresounds (PS-100 600, PS-100 500)
Rose Technics Maria 2

Above Average or Niche with failings

VE Master
Rikubuds (Berserker 2, Lancer 1)
Yincrow RW-1000 Bass
Fiio EM5
Ksearphone Temperament (X3, X6, LBBS)
Toneking (Dendroaspis Viridi, Black Manba)
Blur (MX150, MX400, MX300 Beautiful Witch, PK16)
Smabat M2S
DQSM (Turandot, PD21)

Average or best under $75 USD

VE (Monk Pro Vita, Monk LL)
Rikubuds (Assassin 1, Berserker 1, Alter Rider 1, Saber 1, Alter Archer 1)
Yincrow (Rhino, Calf)
NiceHCK EB2S Pro
DQSM Panda PK2
Faael Rosemary
Nobunga Labs
Moondrop U-2

Waiting for moar impressions / reviews

Rikubuds Berserker 3
Rikubuds Caster 3


Tough to say, would love someone else to also get it that have used more of the buds you have in the tiers. I do belive my friend @charlyro222 have APWS and SMG as his faovorite VE buds, and he own them all.

We both find the SMG better tuned and more technical than Zen SL, but I’m not sure if it deserve tier above or not.


I think Exceptional works for the moment :+1:

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No more addition from me. But I would change the Sun Copper and W03 Pro positions though. W03 Pro deserves to be in the X-ceptional category at least, whereas Sun Copper is just very good for me now.

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Interesting! I guess I’d not put W03 Pro up to that level… Let’s see what Kenyon thinks once he gets his W03 Pro!