XDuoo Link 2 or ES100?

Hi guys,

I need a portable DAC AMP combo to go with my new Hifiman HD 4XX headphones. I love me some bass boost, but I figured the custom EQ settings in the ES100 would make up for the missing bass button on the device. I also save a few bucks with the ES100, but that form factor (and bass boost) of the link makes it so damn tempting!

Any guidance for a novice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!

ES100 seems like a powerful little tool, always wanted to tinker with one. EQ on the 4xx is very handy and they’ll respond well. You’re very right that the parametric EQ tools within the ES100 would WELL make up for a bass boost button. One thing, you’d want a 2.5mm balanced cable to maximize it.

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Already wish-listed a balanced cable meant for Meze headphones - thanks for the advice!

Balanced cable: https://www.amazon.com/99-Series-2-5-Balanced-Cable/dp/B07FQ2BCK5/ref=mp_s_a_1_5?dchild=1&keywords=meze+balanced+cable+2.5mm&qid=1623721643&sprefix=meze+balanced+&sr=8-5

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