Your Top 5 ear tips right now that you are using?

My IEM journey is only a few months old but in that time I’ve churned through 30+ along with a dozen or so aftermarket tips. Of course, I’ve learned about some of the tips from you all

Here’s my top 5 used tips

Pennon Liqueur M sometimes L (great fit and sound but just a touch of irritation)
Spinfit W1 equal M and L
Spinfit Omni M

I guess that’s 6

Let me know what you like if you like this style and if you’ve ever used outer ear lubricant made for hearing aid wearers

I much prefer a shallow fit vs deep in the canal

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Final Audio Type E
Sony EP-EX11

Most used

No, dont see why you should.

Will they stretch to fit 6mm or slightly more?

Nozzle? Should do. Definitely not the Sony tips though.

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You’re lucky if you’ve never had any outer ear irritation from iems or ear plugs. I’ve worn foam earplugs for 40 decades now to be able to sleep. I’m hyper sensitive to sounds…there are downsides but other than a bit of tired, dry, irritated ears (mostly from trying eartips that I react to lately) I get much better sleep.

Water based lubes sooth the irritation without any risk to the skin or ear

aa yeah i am REALLY lucky I havent gotten any ear infections…although I used to have eye infections a lot…

I personally do struggle with sleeping, especially if there is any noise thats at least as loud as people talking. Dont use any earplugs though.

Try a sampler set of earplugs. Like ear tips when you find one that fits it’s super nice to knock down ambient levels by close to 30dB

Once I find one that I like, and it’s changed over the years, I buy a box of 200 for ~$25. Lasts me a couple years

I do have some earplugs (for my upcoming CIEM experiment) but from what I know the doctors dont like it when you use iems and i figure its the same with earplugs which is even worse since they are worn so much longer/continously.

Yeah it’s not ideal but I’ve only had one ear infection in my life and I see a ENT annually for a check up and wax removal (I don’t have much). I’m 58

yeah I can go without them so its fine. Dont want to get used to them as well as that can make it harder to go back to not using them.

These are the ones I use most out of the 19 different types I have at the moment. Tiprolling for comfort is one the first things I do when I get a new set. Before listening even.

  • Softears UltraClear (I use these on at least 60% of my iems)
  • Pentaconn Coreir Brass (Lifesavers for iems with ‘stubby nozzle syndrome’)
  • Tri Clarion (my preferred wide-bore option)
  • Penon Liqueurs (a product with the penon name that is actually good)
  • JVC Spiral Dots++ EP-FX10 (For when the Tri clarions are a bit too big or rigid)
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My unbeaten champ is still Tri Clarion, i always come back to these as they have the most open sounding stage.

Second place Feaulle H570 Latex, almost as open while being a bit stickier.

Azla Xelastecs and Spinfit W1 for the most secure fit
Xelastecs are not as long lasting and become ugly pretty quick which sucks.

Final Type E I only use for too bright or basslight IEMs as they cramp the stage too much and add too much bass


Solid list! The Tri Clarions really do have that spacious, open feel that makes them hard to beat.

Speaking of tips (i know this might not be the thread for it?), have you tried anything new for bassy sets like the Deuce? I’m looking to experiment a bit…wondering if you’ve found any that can add slight twist to the flavour without killing the stage?

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I have not experienced it but for bassy sets my best guess would be something like Tangzu Sancai tips as they seem to not seal the full 100% which might decrease the bass a bit!?

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rightt, thankss! i will look them up, although ideally i would like to keep the bass somewhat similar.

Tip choice is not universal for me. It’s based on fit, nozzle size and how I want the sound to be shaped by the tip, as tips can tune IEMs even more dramatically than pad swaps for headphones.

Some of my favorite tips:

Final Type E
Divinus Velvet
Penon Liqueur orange and black

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For me these did slightly reduce the bass quantity and impact. They allow a small amount of air to move between the skin and tip surface but I am in between sizes/they just didn’t seal enough. Worth trying.

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I just realized my wife has a set of Tri Draco. Sure enough they came with S/M/L of the Clarion. The L is perfect and one heck of a vocal/semi wide tip that doesn’t diminish bass.

I like the description of the Feaulle but I can’t do latex! Dang it.

Azla crystal 2nd gen
Azla Max
Feaulle H570
Eletech Baroque
Final E

but it changes alot, I like collecting them, these are the ones deemed to be useable for now :stuck_out_tongue:


Yes, easy.

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