Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

Thanks, the placement of the BAs does make a big difference.


If you want something like the Fudu, get the Shozy Form 1.1, that is a direct upgrade to it and happens to be like 4 years old.


There hasn’t been a set ever, that I AB’d back and forth as much as that set, hours and hours over days. At the end of it , the bass is tuned more to my liking, more sub bass than the Serial and there are some more details coming from the top end cos it doesn’t have the larger dip at 6-8. Smoother transition around 1 khz.
It really is a beautiful tuning, yet still like so many sets, I push 500 hz just a decibel or so to bring in male vocals and define the stage a bit more.
Throughout that decision I kept thinking I must be crazy, I know some folks on HFG gonna think so, but my ears like what they like and the better fit for me sealed the deal.
Xenns Up going up for sale as well. I’ve really enjoyed my time with em
but Jupiter, Butastur and R1 gonna keep me busy enough for awhile


Agree with you on the R1 over the serial I hope the Quattro doesn’t disappoint.


Your review led to me giving them a chance.

I personally thought they had some interesting qualities and overall thought positively of them (especially well amped) but found the bass uncanny like a planar — and just a weird claustrophobic feel to them overall. It’s been on loan to two other friends who don’t even see them in as positive of a light as I do, to them they just sounded like a $50 set would be expected to, for bass quality etc.

I did appreciate the extra sub bass though.

Btw: when it comes to shells, running Butastur and Serial:




I’ll just own it: I’m one of the two who got to hear them on loan (you can figure out the other). I think R1 is fine, and I’m all for the argument of R1 over Serial on value. If we’re talking about flat-out better
That’s mostly up to preference. As I see it:

  • R1 may have more sub-bass quantity than Serial but Serial’s sub-bass quality laps R1.
  • I find R1’s bass a little more hollow because the sub-bass boost doesn’t have extra midbass to go with it. I care more about midbass so not having enough is a sin for me (see most every all-ba set I’ve heard).
  • R1 is good at that Harman-Neutral style tuning. It probably has a touch more treble than Serial but it’s still a little short for me. If I was going to get a sub-$100 Harman-y set, I’d still just go get the Fiio JD7 and call it a day. But that’s a personal preference for me cause JD7 has an 8k spike which is my whole jam.
  • I pick up good soundstage depth, not a ton of width, a bit of 3D headspace.

It’s a set. It’s fine. Doesn’t blow me away. Solid B set for me


Yeah the sub over mid bass tuning seems self-evident to me
 odd to read the opposite take on it earlier today but ear canals are ear canals I guess

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Haha great suggestion! Used to have one pierced (safety pin) but it healed up after I stopped using it for a bit.

Huh how did you see that? I deleted it after i figured out that its not the the serial design but the one from EJ07
 Somehow mixed those two up

Well, so now I’ll have to post it again


Unless the revisions are done within 5 minutes of posting all stages are visible through this:


Definitely a “use it wisely” thing, usually my curiosity gets the better of wisdom though.


Asking an admin, they can almost fully erase old post revisions if necessary. I had to ask once. The teacher in John won’t let him go without checking all your work. So tread carefully


Wow I didn’t realize that!

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hello,how ej07m vs ie600 overal sound quality,details,bass,mids,relaxed sound,separation,imaging?

There is nothing in common between EJ07m and IE600. It’s like comparing a horse and a hen. :joy:


Somehow funny but not very helpful
Why don’t you try explaining the differences to someone who is asking :kissing_heart:
Especially because you are owning both :grin:


¿Por qué no los dos?

Personal barnyard top 5:

Donkey - so under-rated

Pig/Goat tie (goats are amazing conversationalists and headbangers both literally and figuratively, but you haven’t lived til you’ve witnessed a minature pig go gangsta on the asses of both a fox and a redtail in the same week - fwoar, don’t mess with my hen homies!)

Hen/Horse tie (I like the hens on my back about as much as the horses like me on theirs)


Cows (these should be called pigs - hope you have a shit-ton of pasture (and multiple paddocks), because they are pasture destroyers (and feed bullies to boot) - one thing is certain - you will have a literal ton of shit)

Roosters (fuckers, enemies of all that lives)

Best barnyard pairings:

Pig/Hen - obvi
Donkey/Horse - Donkey be the chilla, and will ride off the coyotes, but understand - they can kick you from any direction - sux to be a coyote
Horse/Hen - aight
Horse/Goat - aight
Goat/Hen - while piggy will lay down his life for the hens, goats be hiding in the corner of the pen when foxy comes :confused:

Cow/any of the above - “i eat yer feed”

Rooster/all fauna - “die motherfucker!”

So say I from the comfort of my cold-ass farmhouse bed, Cedar View Farm, Solstice+1

ps - tennis ball hack to keep water unfrozen is a joke - only functional to 29 degrees F and pisses piggy off (thanks but no thanks, internet lifehack brigade :confused: )


"First chapter
Mr. Jones of Old Manor Farm had bolted the doors of the henhouses for the night, but as he had been drinking too much he did not remember to close the windows. He staggered across the yard, the light circle of the lantern swaying to and fro; kicked off his boots at the back door, poured himself a last glass of beer from the keg in the closet, and headed for the bed, where Mrs. Jones was already snoring.

As soon as the bedroom lamp went out, there was a stir and excitement in all the outbuildings. During the day there had been a rumor that old Major—the show-winning white shopper—had had an unusual dream the previous night and wanted to tell it to the other animals. It was arranged that they should all meet in the great stable as soon as Mr. Jones came home, so as not to disturb them. Old Major (so he was called, though the name under which he once exhibited was the Beauty of Willingdon) was so respected on the farm that they were all ready to lose an hour’s sleep to hear what he had to say. .

At the bottom of the large stable, on a sort of stand, Majora had already made himself comfortable in his bed of straw under the lantern that hung from a beam. He was twelve years old, and of late quite fat, but he still had a dignified, wise, and good-natured air, though his tusks had never been trimmed. Soon the other animals got used to it and began to settle according to their preferences. First came the three dogs—Dahlia, Jessie, and Pincher—and then the pigs, who settled down in the straw immediately in front of the grandstand. The chickens pounced on the windowsills, the pigeons flew up to the slats, and the sheep and cows bedded down behind the pigs and frolicked. The two draft horses, Owes and Alfalfa, arrived together, walking very slowly and cautiously loosening their great hairy hooves lest some small animal should hide in the straw. Lucerna was a strong, docile mare near middle age who never regained her slender figure after the birth of her fourth foal. Owes was a huge animal, taller than his master and as strong as two horses put together. The white stripe on his muzzle gave him a somewhat silly look, and he did not really shine with intelligence, but he was universally respected for his calm disposition and inexhaustible capacity for work. After the horses came Muriel the white goat and Benjamin the donkey. Benjamin was the oldest and cursed animal on the farm. He rarely spoke, but if he did open his mouth, it was usually to utter some cynical remark—saying, for example, that God had given him a tail to keep flies away, but he preferred to have no tail, but no flies. Of all the animals on the farm, Benjamin was the only one who never laughed. If they asked him why, he replied that he did not see anything funny. However, without openly admitting it, he was devoted to Owes; the two regularly spent Sundays together in the enclosure beyond the orchard, grazing side by side and not speaking.

The horses had just gone to bed when a whole brood of ducklings, having lost their mother, fled into the barn, squealing and wandering left and right to find a place where they would not be trodden on. Lucerna stretched out her huge front leg and thus erected a wall in front of the ducklings, against which they huddled and immediately fell asleep. At the last moment there came Molly, the pretty but windy white mare who drew Mr. Jones’s two-wheeler; he was snorting gracefully and chewing a lump of sugar. He took a seat near the stand and began to shake his white mane in the hope that the red ribbons woven into it would be noticed. Last arrived the cat, who, as usual, looked around for the coziest place, and finally slipped in between Ouves and Lucerne; thence purring contentedly, while the Major’s speech lasted, without hearing a word of what he said.

By now all the animals had gathered - only Moses, the tame raven, who was sleeping on a pole behind the door, was gone. When Majora saw that they were comfortable and ready to listen carefully, she cleared her throat and began:

— Comrades, you have already heard about the extraordinary dream that appeared to me last night. But I’ll come back to that later. I have something else to tell you first. I do not believe, comrades, that I will be among you much longer, and before I die, I consider it my duty to pass on to you the wisdom that I have accumulated. I have lived long enough, and had plenty of time to think while I lay alone in my coop, so I think I have a right to say that I know the life of this earth no worse than any other animal. That’s exactly what I want to talk to you about.

Well, comrades, what is this life of ours really like? Let’s face it—it’s awful, exhausting, and short. We are born, we are fed until we die of hunger, and those of us who manage to survive are forced to work until we are completely exhausted; and the moment we are no longer useful, we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty. After he is a year old, no animal in England knows what happiness and rest are. No animal in England is free. Our existence is slavery and anguish" / G. Orwell /

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IE600 bass is sub focused and to my ear not as elevated as the graph would show. It’s more neutral bright and while it has a lot of treble it manages to stay just shy of harsh and sibilant for me.

Vocal quality is similar to EJms where they are forward and airy although the IE600 is more sparkly due to its boosted treble. IE600 doesn’t have much midbass but subbass is present and super clean. EJm has more presence in sub bass and it’s bass has more physicality. Technically wise they are about equal but your enjoyment of the IE600 is probably going to greatly depend on how treble sensitive you are


Ok. Now seriously: IE600 has a very good and clean sub-bass, but there is also a presence of mid-bass. The 07m also has very good sub-bass presence, but the mid-bass is absent, making them unusable for many rock and metal libraries. The 07m has a slightly more holographic stage, and the separation of the instruments is better with the IE600. The resolution is much better on the IE600. I find the treble extension to be much better made and more refined on the IE600. The fit is much better with the IE600 unless you get 07m resin, but even then the IE600 wins. The vocals are similar, being a little more sparkling on the IE600, I think the vocals are better on the IE600, but they are not so forward in the mix, they are in the right position. The images are “bigger” on the 07m, but to me they are better on the IE600 if you listen to them with the right tips and the right source. IE600 has a more neutral and uncolored sound.
Аnd the most important - IE600 kills 07m with timbre and is tonally more accurate! This is in short


That Shozy looks interesting, the low/flat pinna usually works for me.

Based on some feedback,I decided to skip the Fudu, so thanks.

I did order the Artti R1. It seemed to be enjoyed by the people who bought it, and I haven’t had a 3DD, plus I usually like the Beryllium driver sound.

I am curious given that @ToneDeafMonk seemed to like them so much, and he has had a couple big wins for me this fall. It also helps that they are under $60, the R1 and the Cinno are likely my Christmas presents for myself this year.