Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

I wish an upgrade of my actual iem (OH5) but It destroys everything I bring to compare against.
Doscinco, Mp145, Hype 2, Quintet, Fh9, Fh5s, As24, Timeless, S12, Sa6…only Holocene survived.


Easy rec if isolation isn’t a problem then Buds, it’ll save ya a bob or two too :+1:

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The OH5 is a mighty fine set.

Just dropping in to make a quick update to the above, now that I’ve bought the set that has finally quelled my desire to keep buying more sets. Have taken a step out of the acquisition hobby recently to focus on other things and enjoy what I have, so this is sort of a top 5 of everything I’ve collected:

Sound Rhyme DTE900 - This has turned out to be my endgame. My first tribrid, and I was amazed at how much the ESTs bring in terms of beautiful, crystalline clarity along with the perception of soundstage (using 11 setting). It’s not perfect - I tame the 4k peak with EQ, and like to extend the treble a little more past 10k, and sometimes add in just a little more lushness to vocals around 600 Hz, but all these changes are very small and are just to make a fantastic set even better. Having a custom design for only $40 more also helps to make them feel that bit more special.

Penon Quattro - as before, I still love this set. Having tried quite a few BA hybrids and not always loving the timbre, I’ve really learnt how unique this is with its 4DDs. If I ever want to indulge and let music wash over me, particularly music with vocals, this is my go-to. Great fun to EQ too.

Penon Fan 2 - also same as before - for when I want to bask in lush, warm music, like the Quattro, but I prefer this for simpler productions, acoustic music, more lo-fi recordings etc., and it’s much easier to drive than the Quattro so easier to leave the house with it. Only downside with it is it isn’t the most versatile; treble extension isn’t great and the lower mid energy can sound bloated on busier tracks, but it has its niche in my library and it’s superb at it.

Tansio Mirai X Anniversary - still think this is a fantastic, although it has been superseded as my most impressive set technically by the DTE900. Nevertheless, that addictively impactful bass keeps bringing me back.

Artti R1 - this set floored me, I can’t believe how good it is for $60. The timbre, tone and sound profile is everything I want in an IEM. My go-to for when I don’t want to use more expensive pairs or when I don’t want to focus on music and just want a versatile, comfortable workhorse.

That’s it - and finally, just to say thanks to this community for all the info I’ve gleaned reading the threads. Spent a long time reading pretty much every related forum in this quest, and this one is definitely the best (least biased, most open-minded, most helpful and most friendly)!


Time for a short update since I had a couple of IEMs that I gaveaway and sold, due to my own decision, spoiler though, I have no new set of IEMs yet.

1.) Tangzu Wu Zetian Heydays: Still using it and it’s still impressive to hear my library with it as long as it is not overused that it makes me not use it anymore. Fortunately though that is not the case, sounds even better with the Dunu S&S tips on it in my opinion. Cable was nice looking but it has unfortunately gotten a bit stiff, might want to replace it at some point.

2.) Simgot EM6L: My go to set especially when I am in need of an IEM that can do all genres with no problems, and it is still impressive to have it in my collection. Also yeah, I am using the Dunu S&S tips for these, might be a placebo but they have gotten better in terms of comfort, isolation and the overall sound for me just improved with those tips on.

3.) Simgot EA500: Yep these are still gold to me for some reason. I haven’t modded anything on it nor I changed its cable and tips that much, but the EA500 is still impressive to use along with the EM6L.

4.) Tin Hifi T2: It’s back boys, the T2 the very first set of Chi-Fi that I bought back then, it’s alive and revived again due to my little brother giving it back to me and getting it a new XINHS cable, for he didn’t know he can replace the cable to make it work again :sweat_smile:. Oh well I gave him my 7Hz Zeroes, and man listening to the T2s is as exactly what I remembered on why I used to like it so much. The mids to this day for me are impressive, and a still capable set for budget reference sound.

5.) Ziigaat Nuo: Still an impressive set for the price and I call it the EM6L-lite when it comes to the tuning. The EM6L has better technicalities for sure but I am sure as hell impressed with the Nuos as well when it comes to its technicalities for its given price. I have the Wan’er SG as a beater set, but the Nuos for me are just better overall when I am in need of a set that I can take out with no worries.


1.Saber 3 - warm/neutral sound with amazing musical impact for me. :guitar: :crown:
2. IE600 - forever in my ears… :raised_hands:
3. Simgot EA1000 - a competent and technical IEM that I really like. :purple_heart:
4. SR DTE900 - a beast with an unbridled nature and a unique approach to music. Easy “endgame” if you’re not too curious about the whole thing. :hear_with_hearing_aid: :eyes:
5. SA6 MK2 - Some people don’t like it, but it’s a pretty good full BA IEM. There isn’t as much of a mids recession as the HBB was explaining :grimacing:. He taught me to trust my ears and not “great influencers”.


New top dogs

  4. Miroak-II Kalimantan
    5 Nicehck Himalaya

My cup overflowing with sweet bass-tastic iems and my teeth are rattling


What’s your impressions on the KZ Symphony? I found after some tuning, that they are quite pleasant. Not as pleasant as my only other planar, the MP145, but still fun.

I also want to thank you. Based on your review, I bought the Sliivo SL41 and am absolutely in love.

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Great to hear. That will be my pick for IEM tonight to test the DAP.

They do sound very good and especially for so little.
Thanks! Cheers Jason

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So I just ordered the SLT6 with an Ali discount code. Some sort of sale going on now. Can’t wait.

Looking at the pics, I tend to prefer a tube arrangement in the nozzle to a screen but obviously it’s not something that would sway a purchase. I might take a look at what’s under that. It doesn’t tend top be an issue for me but people that produce a lot of wax may eventually get some occlusion without a good way to correct it so access to the same screen as replacement would be a good thing for Sliivo to make available. If it happens to me, easy enough to remove, soak in alcohol for a bit and replace with some sort of stickum but it would be a lot easier to just swap it for pennies. I know there’s screens available but they vary in resistance etc so getting the same one would be useful.

I don’t expect them to replace my S* with Comlpy tips that I’ve preferred to the $2k IEMs Ive tried but you never know. Just wanted a better backup and something to play with.

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I await your thoughts on them, I am trying to stay out of the hype train on this set and let them just get discovered.

Lots of new set out there riding promo wave and some of the criticizm and blowback on this set is interesting to see.

If you can read through the intention and motives of those putting this set down and decide to pick one up you be rewarded with a amazing IEM IMHO.

Simgot EM10 over this set NOT IN A MILLION YEARS well for my ears and tastes.

I just cant do thoose upper mids kill everything and why is nobody talking about the Most intimate stage ever presented with almost zero stereo imaging?


Have you ever tried Z1R…upper mids < but the it’s 11-12k peak can get on folk tho, I call it detail, airing on the air side of things lol :smile:

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Sounds like the Meze Advar , I didn’t try the Sony.

I am one of the Original Simgot shill /fanboys so when I say negative things it’s with heavy heart. The EM10 is not good. I would be more forgiving if it was $279 not $439.99


Advar’s a single DD? no.

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Yeah sound like a hybrid!

Ok you really need to hear Z1R…hated or not I’ve not heard many folk diss it apart from fit…love it for most of my library…(don’t mention buds) :wink:


That one’s always been on my radar for sure. Eventually I will get a chance.

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My top five IEMs which I am using:

– Dunu x Gizaudio DaVinci (with tape mod to cover the shell vents)
– Aful Performer 5
– Kiwi Ears Quintet (modded by removing the OEM screens and installing new mesh filters)
– Kefine Delci
– Aful MagicOne


My Current top 5


The 2 has an extra space between the 2 and .

The 3 has a double . Which the system recognizes like an ellipsis.

Those will fix the formatting

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