I only have two that I use. At home I use my Campfire Andros; on the road I use Etymotic ER4XR. The Andros kick ass and basically have scratched the “what happens if I spend lots of money on IEMs” itch. They are better than my headphones (my current daily driver is an HD660S). The Etys are superb, and I am a big fan of the sound isolation. I use them on the road rather than the Andros, though, because of the cost of the Andros. I’d be really upset if I lost them. If I lost the Etys, I’d probably just buy another pair, or maybe use it as an excuse to experiment with some ChiFi.
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Great. But how do you walk around the streets with that thing? Doesn’t it feel like you have two rods stuck in your ears?

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Not unless something catches on the cable and they are tugged. Although TBH I seldom walk around with them in, and I think having that level of sound isolation while walking around is dangerous. It’s more something I use in the subway, or in a cafe. Or I take on a trip. They are FABULOUS in an airplane. No need for ANC.
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