Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

I only have two that I use. At home I use my Campfire Andros; on the road I use Etymotic ER4XR. The Andros kick ass and basically have scratched the “what happens if I spend lots of money on IEMs” itch. They are better than my headphones (my current daily driver is an HD660S). The Etys are superb, and I am a big fan of the sound isolation. I use them on the road rather than the Andros, though, because of the cost of the Andros. I’d be really upset if I lost them. If I lost the Etys, I’d probably just buy another pair, or maybe use it as an excuse to experiment with some ChiFi.


Great. But how do you walk around the streets with that thing? Doesn’t it feel like you have two rods stuck in your ears?


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Not unless something catches on the cable and they are tugged. Although TBH I seldom walk around with them in, and I think having that level of sound isolation while walking around is dangerous. It’s more something I use in the subway, or in a cafe. Or I take on a trip. They are FABULOUS in an airplane. No need for ANC.


New additions changing the game of play

  1. Grand Oriveti Supremacy
  2. Jomo Audio Nautilus
  3. TSMR Shock
  4. Tangzu Nezha

Alright February update, and this one is pretty much my birth month so I think an update is necessary.

1.) Pula Anvil 114 - My weird and niche IEM set that I love and I am afraid for now, this set has replaced the AFUL Performer 5+2 that I have due to an audio issue on the left ear piece. Would probably remain my main set until the P7s return. And yes, it got even better once I have given it more listening hours, sucks that I cannot sleep with these on sideways.

2.) Truthear Hexa - I regret not getting this IEM back then when it was new because it is for real neutral and I damn love it, but I feel so bad that makes me want to scream internally like “Why didn’t I bought you sooner?!” This was a pain in the ass to get for most of the stores I know that have sold this set were out of stock, but I’ve managed to get one that is used and in great condition as well, thanks to the help of my best friend.

3.) Simgot EA1000 - After a couple of years, this set I cannot believe, still damn surprises me despite the tuning of it is not to my usual taste and preference. The tecnicalities are still so damn great and there are some tracks in my library that still surprises me when I wear this set from time to time. And yes, I am still using the modded nozzles thanks to PaulWasabii’s video, but I am afraid I need a break from tunings such as this, for I wanna go back to the neutral days.

4.) Tanchjim Bunny - My first Tanchjim IEM and man they have left a very good impression on me after giving this one a try. I did mention neutral tuning a couple times already right? Well this one is one and no it’s not boring at all for I am having a great time with this set, despite it being a beater set. Also seeing from the graph comparing this to the Tanchjim Origin, I must say this is like the Lite version of it. Man I am thinking about getting the Origin next for the tuning so far from Tanchjim have been on my preference.

5.) Aful Performer 5+2 (QA Issue, Returned for Repair) - Yes, this is still part of the Top 5 of my list but it just sucks that I have to return it and hoping to God, that this set for real gets repaired or better yet replaced with a new set that has better QA control. It has been for now demoted to the lowest due to left ear piece’s sound just not the same anymore, making the whole set lacking that fullness that I used to loved from the P7s. So for now the carry job of my whole collection will be done by the Pula Anvil 114s that I have.


My Current Top Five IEMs:-

  1. Ice Labs Prismatica
  2. Nostalgia Camelot
  3. Eminent Ears Sapphire
  4. Softears VolumeS
  5. Timsok TS-316

Impressive that the Volume S sits with some sets costing a LOT more!

  1. AFUL Explorer

Lately that’s been it!

Loving me some Vulfmon through them.

  1. letshuoer cadenza 4
  2. hidizs mp145
  3. aful explorer
  4. sennheiser ie200 (not for music anymore, but endgame comfort for movies & casual gaming)
  5. moondrop lan (just for when I can’t use over ears for sweaty fps games. they suprisingly beat all my other iems for this purpose. though to be fair, I haven’t purchased anything with gaming in mind.)

I’ll probably hang onto the mp145 to mod, but the cadenza 4 has pushed basically everything else I own for music into the sell/trade pile. It is just stupid good for the $ to me, especially with just a touch of EQ. I’ve lost all desire to upgrade for a while and am probably set until at least end of year. Then it’s time to move up to $400-500+ territory.


Candenza 4 is solid.
I picked up a 2nd pair when they went on sale for $132. Figured I’d put different tips on the 2nd pair, so it’s not completely identical. That’s how I justified it in my mind anyway. :slight_smile:
It could use a smidge more bass, noticeable on a song like Another One Bites the Dust, but I’m a mids lover, so not really an issue for me. Really like the shell & comfort also.

  1. NiceHCK Himalaya
  2. S12 2024. Found a pair. I don’t mind the planar timbre ‘too much’. Nice compliment to the more vocal focused Himalaya.
  3. Pula PA02

that’s it.


This week

  5. ACOUSTUNE HSS 1695Ti single DD

A good spread of drivers and signatures all giving immense pleasure


You should try the Yanyin Carmen - supposedly an RSV that you can crank extremely loud with next level vocal intimacy.

Playing around with different tips could actually make a noticeable difference…maybe some wide-bore ones for a bit more bass presence?

  • TSMR X - still going strong after a year
  • CKLVX D62 - love the mids and detail retrieval
  • Celest Relentless - happy accident
  • Forcing myself to like Aful Explorer
  • Still forcing myself to like VE SMG*
    *not an IEM

Midfi hell. Tansio isn’t going anywhere, same with D62. I’m pleasantly surprised with Celest, both stock and with the 25 Ohm adapter. Aful is more of a miss than a hit with most of the music I’ve tried. And SMG is like this annoying nerdy kid - he may be right, but you want to punch him in the face :sweat_smile:
Future plans: probably nothing until 618 sales. I’m still not entirely sold on this current microplanar forced meme.


Thinking of doing the same. Do you know if the ie200 can take any mmcx cable?

it cannot, unless you cut off the plastic ring on top.

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Unfortunately not. The connector is recessed. Plenty of cables out there come with ie200/600/900/akgn5005 options though. I have one from openheart, and I’ve seen the option when looking at nicehck cables and several other brands. TBH the stock cable doesn’t bother me. Sure it’s ugly and microphonic, but it’s so light and memory free that unless you’re listening while moving around, it really does compliment the comfort by just disappearing. Every other cable I’ve tried tried adds enough weight and stiffness that they tug on the extremely light ie200, and it ends up annoying me more than the occasional microphonics.

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I don’t own 5 IEMs.
I don’t think I ever have, or ever will, own 5 IEMs at once. But my current top 5 that I own/ have owned are:

  1. EJ07 OG

  2. Dark Magician OG

  3. BQEYZ Wind

  4. ISN H50

  5. Raptgo Hook-X

Honourable mentions:

  1. Xenns Up

  2. ZiiiGaat Estrella

  3. Letshouer s12 2024


Can you imagine the current progression of planars if they made this in 2012! :wink:

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