Your Top 5 IEMs right now that you are using?

I only have two that I use. At home I use my Campfire Andros; on the road I use Etymotic ER4XR. The Andros kick ass and basically have scratched the “what happens if I spend lots of money on IEMs” itch. They are better than my headphones (my current daily driver is an HD660S). The Etys are superb, and I am a big fan of the sound isolation. I use them on the road rather than the Andros, though, because of the cost of the Andros. I’d be really upset if I lost them. If I lost the Etys, I’d probably just buy another pair, or maybe use it as an excuse to experiment with some ChiFi.

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Great. But how do you walk around the streets with that thing? Doesn’t it feel like you have two rods stuck in your ears?


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Not unless something catches on the cable and they are tugged. Although TBH I seldom walk around with them in, and I think having that level of sound isolation while walking around is dangerous. It’s more something I use in the subway, or in a cafe. Or I take on a trip. They are FABULOUS in an airplane. No need for ANC.


New additions changing the game of play

  1. Grand Oriveti Supremacy
  2. Jomo Audio Nautilus
  3. TSMR Shock
  4. Tangzu Nezha